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Scouts want Brabant coalition with CDA, VVD and left-wing parties

The scouts Marja van Bijsterveldt and Emile Roemer advise the Provincial Council to form a coalition of VVD, CDA, SP, GroenLinks and PvdA. This composition has a ‘slight preference’. If such a coalition fails, a new information round could start with VVD, CDA, GroenLinks and PvdA together with D66.

There is effectively one and a half year’s term of office left for a new coalition. Both scouts conclude that there is broad support for a large part of the current administrative agreement. According to Bijsterveldt and Roemer, the current administrative agreement could therefore serve as a basis, supplemented with an outline agreement framework.

The scouts have looked for possibilities to achieve ‘a stable and effective administration for Brabant’ in the short term and to further develop open cooperation with all parties in Parliament. The light preference variant mentioned now seems to provide the strongest interpretation of these frameworks. In the information phase, it must be explored which of the above-mentioned parties can actually form a coalition.

Differences can be bridged
In terms of content, the differences between the six parties can be bridged, according to the scouts. There are different perspectives on four themes that should in any case be discussed during the information round. These are:

Nitrogen issue
The scouts think that the different insights are not of such a nature that this stands in the way of a joint solution. In the discussions, special attention was paid to the nitrogen issue and national developments surrounding this dossier. Under the current circumstances, the current agreements from the administrative agreement are sufficient for all six parties. That could change if the new national coalition agreement gives rise to a discussion about Brabant’s nitrogen policy.

The advice of the scouts focuses on the next year and a half of this term of office, while at the same time looking ahead to the term of office after that. Constructive cooperation in the States is important in this regard. In that light, the scouts conclude that the way of debating (long-winded with many interruptions) in the Provincial Council must be improved.

Energetic debate
All groups recognize this image. However, the mutual relationships are good and recent steps have certainly been taken in the right direction. The aim of the ‘open cooperation’ introduced by the current coalition is appreciated by all parties. The scouts therefore advise to maintain this working method with the necessary suggestions for improvement. An energetic debate contributes to the recognisability, job satisfaction and effectiveness of all political groups.

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