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Scorpio Crescent: Major Decisions and Clarifications for Investing Energy and Time

The first lunar quarters, or waxing crescents, are points of major decisions and clarification of what it makes sense to invest energy and time in, followed by action, a symbolic first step towards a set goal. This Scorpio crescent is great, because under its auspices you won’t do anything superficial, you’ll go deep in everything and stop meandering in front of possible problems. You realize they would have caught up with you anyway. And when you find that you are stagnant in something, you will finally find the right path or tactic, and the stagnant waters will finally be stirred up.

The next cosmic event will occur on Thursday, July 27, when rolled retrograde Venus Evening (Hesperus) meets Mercury, in the seat of the sly, lying, scheming, scandal-inducing and combative star Al Jabhah. As soon as you start to feel that someone is “acting”, put your feet on your shoulders and run as far as you can. You could be the victim of a scam, but you would be the one being defamed for cheating.

On a social, hence global scale, this constellation has a bad reputation, because it warns of riots, unrest, uncertain currency and stock market panic. Fortunately, according to Chaldean tradition, Thursday is ruled by the zodiac’s most adept diplomat, the space giant Jupiter, who will oversee all events from the position of Doryphoros, or guiding guardian, and may even signal the birth of a leading political figure. So let’s hope that Jupiter manages to ground the malcontents, calm the atmosphere and bring order, so that the prophecy of the treacherous star Al Jabhah does not come true this time.

Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)

If you are considering setting up a study fund for your children or starting to save for a future investment, do it during this period. Because your “shadow vision” is activated, your intuition will simply be infallible, so it is impossible not to detect a mistake and run into someone. This will also benefit individuals who suspect their significant other of infidelity. They will see through and probably find that everything was quite different from what it seemed. It will also be fun and boost your self-confidence. You will see through people who are already superior to you. This time they will be so steamed that they will overdo it and the bubble of their would-be exceptionalism will burst.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

If you have been satisfied with the “dog book” relationship until now, you will probably reconsider your opinion. You even start trying to take the partnership to a higher level, for example, it may be about living together, planning an engagement date or wedding. It will be difficult for individuals who do not take proper care of housing, family property or inherited items. A powerful impulse will probably be a reprimand, someone will simply burn it in your eyes so sharply that you will correct it with a fofer. Do not allow younger family members to lecture or criticize older relatives on the weekend. A generational conflict would split your family into two irreconcilable camps.

Foto: Ground Picture, Shutterstock.com

The stars will shine mainly on those of you who have shied away from official commitments for various reasons. If you really love, you’ll change your mind even on a merry-go-round Photo: Ground Picture, Shutterstock.com

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

If you are looking for a job, the horoscope at the beginning of the week indicates a very interesting offer. Above all, do not be intimidated by an invitation to an interview, which also applies to individuals who are seeking a different position in their current job. You have a strong communication sector and it gives you a brilliant “hands-on”, so you can handle everything in a masterly manner. Take advantage of the bulkiness if you have neighbors who spread recklessly, simply taking up space at your expense. What you let go of during this period will take three weeks before you can get back what belongs to you, and this also applies to parking spaces.

Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)

Your sense of beautiful things, art and music will multiply. That’s why you probably go to every exhibition in the area or visit several concerts. It is possible that you will start learning to play a musical instrument or make something with your own hands. Amateur and professional artists or musicians will perform one of the best performances in the last six months, the above-standard income will delight the fair vendors. Only those newly in love should think carefully about whether it is worth developing the relationship further when their new discovery spoils their jealous scene. The stars indicate that they would become more and more frequent and more and more emotionally demanding.

Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)

When you have to fix something, iron out a mess, the family will volunteer, you simply won’t be alone for anything during this period. Those closest to you will make it clear that they are there for you in good times and bad. Since you will care much more about the coziness of your home and you will not lack vigor or a sense of aesthetics, do a thorough cleaning and interior decoration at home, because you will be in the same mood again at the beginning of November. At the weekend, a person to whom you owe a lot will ask you for a favor. It won’t be easy, but the feeling of finally being able to repay him for a good deed will be worth the effort.

Photo: fizkes, Shutterstock.com

Although you have the impression that you can handle everything on your own, the universe will not let you “fall”. At the right moment, people appear on whom you can lean without fear Photo: fizkes, Shutterstock.com

Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)

What at the beginning of the week looks like gossip or rumor will eventually become reality. Therefore, do not trivialize any information, especially when you learn it from relatives. If you are returning from vacation these days, immediately carefully examine all the mail that is directly “dumped” on you from the mailbox. There will be a boon that will advance you in the future in your career or studies, or it will finally solve a protracted problem related to, for example, housing and noisy neighbors. Look forward to the weekend! The constellation calms you down, relaxes you and seems to cut you off from your worries, so you can relax mentally and physically.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

You will probably be surprised by a financially attractive offer. It can be both full-time and part-time work; if you make a living from art or esotericism, then for an offer of cooperation. It won’t be a “tunnel” by any means, and if you get the nod, you’ll make dream money in the long run. The past will catch up with you in the second half of the week. It’s as if your thoughts get stuck and you keep remembering a situation that you once couldn’t handle and really screwed up. Alternatively, you will go to a company where a few people will turn their backs on you, they will simply ignore you and you will know very well why. It will have one positive, you will make it clear who you can count on in the future and who you can’t.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Where you symbolically fight with yourself, i.e. your emotions with your reason, you will finally find the golden mean. In the long run, the horoscope indicates that you will do research and it will turn out even better than you expect, regardless of what areas of life the changes will affect. Even your ability to think rationally and draw the right conclusions will reveal why something in the past did not turn out as you planned. You will discover what went wrong and it is assumed that you will be able to fix it. Avoid eternal “troublemakers” at the weekend, they would infect you with their pessimism.

Photo: Leszek Glasner, Shutterstock.com

The horoscope urges you not to hastily rush into actions, but instead to calm down and think. You’ll probably finally figure out why certain things happen to you Photo: Leszek Glasner, Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

You give up something or sacrifice something, in any case it will be a selfless, literally “karmic” act that the universe will repay you by the end of the year when you need it most. Individuals who are already hospitalized will finally know when they will go home, and the horoscope suggests that it will be very soon indeed. Any state papers or auditions will also turn out well. However, from Friday evening, avoid anything that smells of mystery and mysticism. Because something would happen that would leave a bad mark on your psyche and your wallet, and this also applies to individuals who are on an exotic vacation.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Whether you receive an invitation to a social event or a gathering of relatives in the first half of the week, don’t think too long and just go. You will chat and make friends with like-minded, cheerful people who will provide you with great experiences in the future. Even if you are single, you will probably find a person among them with whom you will be more than sympathetic. If you are dealing with a loan, subsidy, grant, simply money from external sources, the approval will be delayed, but this does not mean that you will not receive anything. Bureaucracy and a change in the rules will be to blame, everything will be finished in mid-August.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)

Your ability to concentrate will be at its maximum, you will not miss the smallest detail. Therefore, without fear, start solving what requires concentration and calmness, be it the most demanding, which applies to work and private activities. Wipe the eyes of everyone who underestimates you, and most importantly, you will strengthen your credibility in the eyes of your superiors or colleagues. At the end of the week, it will become a rule that you cannot agree on anything with friends, family or significant other, because they will not know what they really want. Therefore, organize your weekend solo according to your taste. Otherwise, someone’s indecision might make you jump out of your skin.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20)

Do an honest recap, i.e. a personal audit, of what you’re good at and where you’re just floundering. The constellation will reveal your potential and dormant talents, moreover, self-criticism will directly kick you in the direction of self-improvement. In the same way, when you are confused about what you would like to achieve in life, here too you will be clear about what you really want and what you can do. The great thing is that what you plan will have a head and a tail, and above all, you won’t stop with it after the first failure. Better not to eat out on the weekend, fast food could cause you intestinal problems.

Affirmation for this week: I can take on any challenge in life…

2023-07-24 03:02:54
#Weekly #horoscope #Taurus #marriage #Libra #great #offer #Aquarius #upset #indecision #Proženy.cz

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