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Scooters on the Technopole?

The operator Pony could soon settle in the Technopole. A feasibility study is underway. However, this is not the only change envisaged in terms of mobility in this area, which hosts 7,500 employees and 2,000 high school and university students.

Claire Brugier

Bus: the lines are moving

Since September, Grand Poitiers and Vitalis have started to make changes to the bus lines serving the Technopole in order to facilitate home-work travel, particularly during staggered hours. Line E, on Sunday, has thus been reinforced (+7 trips), boosting attendance to 356 climbs per day. On line 1, the first departure has been brought forward to 4:29 a.m. for an arrival in the zone at 5 a.m. “This first schedule did not meet its audience”, notes Frankie Angebault, Vice-President for Mobility of Grand Poitiers. Unlike the 5:29 a.m. bus at Notre-Dame (arrival 6 a.m.) which records 7 climbs on average, and up to 17.

Carpooling: answers before the summer

This summer, Futuroscope experimented with carpooling on its own scale (Le 7 n°575): 20% of the 1,200 employees joined Karos for a total of 4,950 journeys made. “Carpooling is a real solutionunderlines Mickaël Couturier, the president of the Entrepreneurs of the future. We are working with the Medef to make it permanent in order to have an attractive offer in the area. » The system will include a structure to support companies in the process. The network of entrepreneurs also plans to “ask the community to take charge of the part that goes to carpooling (2€ within a radius of 20km, editor’s note). The finalized project should be presented during the first half of 2023. For their part, Grand Poitiers and Grand Châtellerault have launched a study, entrusted to Ecov, on line carpooling. The conclusions are also expected before the summer. remains that“it takes 35 minutes by car compared to 17 minutes by train (Châtellerault-Chasseneuil, editor’s note)”, slips Mickaël Couturier who evokes other tracks such as a rail shuttle, why not autonomous, which would make the Poitiers-Chasseneuil-Châtellerault journey continuously, far from the classic TER morning and evening schedules.

Cycling: cycle path to be completed

Work to develop a cycle path between Poitiers and Futuroscope is ongoing. The SNCF has agreed to make the strip that runs along its marshalling yard available to Grand Poitiers. The brake is now located at the level of the railway bridge. Water law obliges, “we must consider a footbridge high enough to cross the Clain”, explains Frankie Angebault. However, to make the slope accessible to all, it is important to dilute the difference in height over the length, which implies land acquisitions for which the community is in talks with the residents.

Self-service two-wheelers: maybe soon

Deployed from last October in Poitiers, the offer of Pony electric bicycles and scooters could be developed in the Technopole. The elected officials and departments concerned in Chasseneuil met the operator a fortnight ago. “A study must be carried out to consider the technical feasibility, to see if it is possible to install sites as close as possible to the needs”notes Mayor Claude Eidelstein.

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