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Scooter drivers without a valid driving license and insurance on the road

Jul 26, 2022 at 2:31 p.m

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Kara / Adobe Stock

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Schifferstadt (ots) –

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On July 25, 2022, at around 8:20 p.m., a 29-year-old scooter driver was checked on the L532 between Schifferstadt and Böhl-Iggelheim. The attached insurance number came from 2004. The man did not have a foreign driver’s license from any EU member state. However, since the driver has had his permanent place of residence in Germany for more than 6 months and the deadline for changing the driver’s license has expired, an investigation is carried out into the violation of the Compulsory Insurance Act and driving without a driver’s license. The insurance license plate was secured and the scooter was taken away by a relative of the driver on a trailer.

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Questions please contact:

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Police Inspectorate Schifferstadt Telephone: 06235 495-4209 (or -0) Email: [email protected] https://www.polizei.rlp.de/?id=1377

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Press releases from the Rhineland-Palatinate police are free to publish if the source is named.

Original content from: Ludwigshafen police department

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