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“SCO Launches ‘Dual Immunity’ Campaign: Free Double Vaccination for Flu-Covid During Rainy Season”

Thursday 4 May 2023, 6:20 a.m.

SCO. First day of kick-off.

Free double needle vaccination “Flu-Covid”

Extracting a heavy epidemic during the rainy season

‘Focus on 7 risk groups’, every treatment right

Doctor Opas tossed the sleeves of the tees.

“Anutin” led the executives of the Public Health Ministry to launch a campaign activity. “Double vaccination to fight the rainy season” to prevent both “flu-Covid” of the year. Initially, the risk group is the elderly over 65 years old – people with chronic diseases – pregnant women and other risk groups such as Soldiers and prison inmates injected with influenza every right of treatment The general public, if the injection is more than 6 months, can get the booster vaccine. From now on, you can receive 1 dose of COVID vaccine per year. Fight the rainy season as an example. The NHSO is ready to buy more flu vaccines. If the stock of 5.26 million doses is not enough

On May 3, 2023 at Bamrasnaradura Institute, Nonthaburi Province, reporters reported that Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health presided over the opening ceremony of World Immunization Week: 2023 Vaccine for Everyone “Episode II: Dual Immunity” with Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health and executives of the Ministry of Public Health (Public Health Organization) participated in this event. Dr. Opas has received a double dose vaccination. Both influenza and COVID-19 vaccines were also started as examples.

Mr. Anutin said The Ministry of Public Health opens activities to invite people at risk groups. Medical and public health personnel come to receive double dose vaccination. Both flu vaccine and COVID vaccine to enhance the immunity of the people Because now the rainy season has begun, which the Ministry of Public Health opens service points in hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health free of charge. If the risk group can receive the flu vaccine. And still receive the COVID vaccination. Pregnant women and other at-risk groups according to criteria access to influenza vaccination for every right of treatment for the general public to be vaccinated against COVID If you have been injected for more than 6 months, you can get a booster vaccine. And from now on, the COVID vaccine can be received once a year.

Mr. Anutin confirmed that Covid vaccine is prepared enough. influenza vaccine section The Ministry of Public Health hopes that risk groups will be able to inject more coverage. therefore reduced the vaccination fee from 60 baht to 20 baht per time so that the NHSO will bring this part of the service fee to adjust to the budget for purchasing more influenza vaccines save budget In which the board of the National Health Security Office (NHSO) approved the purchase of an additional 8.6 hundred thousand doses of influenza vaccines, when combined with the vaccines purchased by the NHSO for 7 risk groups this year, 4.4 million doses, there will be The flu vaccine provides a total of 5.26 million doses.

While Dr. Sophon Iam Sirithavorn Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control spoke about the COVID epidemic situation last week. In which there were 10 deaths and the deaths were found in the houses that 10 people died, 6 of whom were elderly people who had not received a single dose of vaccine. and is a patient who is infected with COVID for the first time, the other 4 people have been vaccinated for a long time and have not yet received a booster needle. Therefore, vaccination is necessary for the elderly, including people with congenital diseases that can reduce severe symptoms and death. What can be done is Let the public health volunteers (VHVs) knock on the door of the house. Explore and invite the devil to get vaccinated. Or take the vaccine to inject at home. Although the violence decreased It is not serious for people who have been vaccinated before or who have been infected before. But not for the elderly, as there are more than 2 million people who have never received a single dose of the vaccine.

Dr. Chadet Thammathatcha-aree, secretary-general of the NHSO, revealed that for last year’s influenza vaccine, the NHSO bought 4.5 million doses, and the rest will provide service to conscripts. and inmates in prisons As for this year, it bought 4.4 million doses and recently bought an additional 8.6 hundred thousand doses for a total of 5.26 million doses, which in the case of influenza vaccination for the risk group. can be injected with every right of treatment ready to consider buying more Last year, about 95% of influenza vaccination came, and the rest were conscripted soldiers. prison inmates

In this regard, people from 7 risk groups who are eligible for influenza vaccination are pregnant women, gestational age of 4 months or more, children aged 6 months-2 years, people with 7 chronic diseases, namely COPD, asthma, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, kidney failure patients. Cancer undergoing chemotherapy and diabetes, persons over 65 years of age, thalassemia and immunocompromised persons (including symptomatic HIV-infected), obese, over 100 kg, and mentally disabled

Prof. Yong Phuwarawan, M.D. Royal Institute and Head of the Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University posted on Facebook stating that COVID has become a seasonal disease. As with other respiratory diseases such as RSV influenza, rhinovirus flu, these seasonal diseases can pose a problem. especially risk groups Vulnerable groups, old age, with underlying diseases and young children seen from influenza RSV once infected, there is a chance of recurrence. but if the body is strong, the violence is less

Influenza, although there is a vaccine It’s not good at preventing infection. Therefore, it still goes viral every year and changes the species forever, just like COVID. It’s been and it can be repeated. Violence is reduced except in the RSV vulnerable group. Violence is first seen in the first year of life. or small children and the following year The violence will decrease. and will encounter violence again in the elderly or those with underlying diseases

2023-05-03 23:20:00

#country #SorTor #day #kickoff #Free #double #needle #vaccination #FluCovid #Extracting #heavy #epidemic #rainy #season

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