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scientists talked about new symptoms that you should pay attention to

In different countries, including Ukraine, the number of people infected with coronavirus is growing. In this regard, doctors explained what the first signs of the disease are worth paying attention to.

In Ukraine, every day they report an increase in the incidence of people on COVID-19.

Moreover, new anti-records on infected coronavirus concern not only our country: the other day, an American professor of medicine said that the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has already begun in the United States.

In this regard, doctors and scientists again began to discuss the symptoms of COVID-19, which may be the most obvious indicator of the disease.

For example, recently, specialists from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added nausea and diarrhea to the list of potential symptoms of COVID-19.

“People with COVID-19 had a wide range of symptoms, from the most mild to severe onset of the disease. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus, ”the CDC said.

In April 2020, the CDC also identified among the symptoms of coronavirus fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, loss of taste and sore throat.

Recently, a runny nose or stuffy nose has been added to this list, making COVID-19 disease even more indistinguishable from a common cold. Moreover, doctors from the United States stated that “this list does not include all possible symptoms of coronavirus.”

Therefore, experts recommend seeking medical help even to those people who have difficulty breathing, chest pain or pressure, constant fatigue or a blue tint on the lips / face.

As for the headache – some doctors also believe that uncharacteristic persistent migraine may be a sign of COVID-19.

“You may have a fever, you may have a persistent cough, and all this can cause a headache. However, the headache with COVID-19 is described as a very strong feeling of constriction and usually worsens with coughing and fever, ”says Dr. Merle Diamond, president and managing director of the Chicago headache clinic.

Scientists say that during quarantine, migraines can manifest themselves in much more people, because they are forced to change their normal work and rest schedule, which negatively affects the nervous system.

Those who have recently started prolonged headaches, doctors are advised to seek help from specialists. And as a preventive measure, according to Diamond, it is worth drinking more water and alternating rest with physical activity for the body.

As HB wrote, according to a recent study by scientists from Cambridge and Greenwich Universities, the massive use of antibacterial masks will help curb the spread of coronavirus among the population and prevent a second pandemic wave.

“There is a widespread belief that wearing a mask means that you think others are dangerous. In fact, when you put on a mask, you primarily protect others from yourself.

Cultural and even political problems can prevent people from wearing face masks, so the idea should be clear: “my mask protects you, your mask protects me,” the authors of the work said.

According to them, wearing masks can prevent the spread of the disease over the next 18 months, which are potentially necessary for vaccine development.

The work indicates that if at least 50% of the population will wear ordinary face masks, this will help keep the virus distribution rate – R – below 1.0. It is this R number that is needed to slow down the pandemic.


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