Home » today » World » Scientists Reveal Surprise About Cause of Death of Kung Fu Legend Bruce Lee • Al Marsad Newspaper

Scientists Reveal Surprise About Cause of Death of Kung Fu Legend Bruce Lee • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Spanish scientists have announced that they have discovered the real cause of death of the legend of “kung fu” sport, Bruce Lee, after analyzing his habits in the last months of his life, where they concluded that his excessive consumption of water alcohol destroyed it.

cadaver dissection

And the autopsy determined that the death was due to cerebral edema, as the weight of the brain mass was 1575 grams, while the normal brain mass is about 1400 grams.

Traces of marijuana use were found in the stomach, and brain edema in reaction to the drug “Equagesic” was declared the cause of death.

After analyzing all available information about the life of Bruce Lee, scientists concluded that the cause of cerebral edema is hyponatremia – a condition in which the concentration of sodium ions in blood plasma falls below 135 mmol, liter .

Several factors indicate that Lee was consuming unusually large amounts of fluids at the time due to his diet, which consisted of lots of juices and protein drinks, causing increased thirst.

Stop eating

Excessive consumption of water at one time could not cause the death of Bruce Lee, however, he was a frequent drinker and, in addition to a number of other factors mentioned in the article, the actor’s wife and doctors noted that he often refused the food.

The researchers say that “according to his wife, he has stopped eating in recent months and has been subsisting on carrots and apple juice” and “this liquid food pattern can only explain his weight loss, which has accelerated between May and July 1973”.

Kung Fu king and American actor Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong in 1973 at the age of 32, after suffering from cerebral edema, while the circumstances of his death are still a matter of controversy and conjecture.

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