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Scientist’s prediction: The earth could be 25 hours/day because of the moon moving away


Scientists estimate that the Earth could have 25 hours in a day, from the previous 24 hours. Effects of the Moon’s slow motion away from Earth.

The results of the latest research by scientists were published that the moon is gradually moving away from the Earth. In about 200 million years, Earth will have a 25 hour day.

“When the moon moves away, the Earth is like a figure skater whose rotation slows down when they stretch out their arms,” ​​explained geologist Stephen Meyers, who also a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as reported by the researcher. Daily Mail, Monday (19/8/2024).



The Moon has no fixed distance from Earth. The moon is 363,104 km from Earth at its closest point (perigee) and 405,696 km at its farthest point (apogee). Based on this distance, the average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 384,400 km. The moon takes about 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the Earth.

But previous research has found that the moon is getting further away by about 1.5 inches or 3.8 cm each year. As the Moon moves further away, it means that Earth’s satellite will take longer to orbit the Earth.

At some point, the Moon will reach a constant distance and will only be visible from one side of the Earth.

Investigating the history of the distance relationship between the Earth and the Moon

Meyers and colleagues reconstructed the deep history of the Earth’s relationship with the Moon. Meyers et al found that 1.4 billion years ago, a day on Earth lasted only about 18 hours.

To obtain these calculations, the researchers created a statistical method that combines astronomical theory with geological observations to look back at the Earth’s geological history. This allowed them to reconstruct the deep history of the solar system.

Earth’s days were shorter billions of years ago mainly because the moon was closer to Earth. This causes the Earth’s rotation to spin faster than it is now.

But throughout Earth’s history, the moon has moved further in a process known as ‘waning of the moon’. Scientists know this thanks to the Apollo mission astronauts, who cast shadows on the Moon that allowed scientists on Earth to shoot lasers at the surface of the Moon and measure how fast the Moon was moving. decline

As the moon slowly moves away, the rotation of the Earth slows. The reason must be related to the influence of the moon on the tides.

As the Earth rotates, the moon’s gravity orbits the planet pulling on the oceans to create tides and tides. The gravitational pull of the Moon causes sea water to ‘sweep’ towards it on whichever side of the Earth is closest to the Moon.

At the same time, inertia (the tendency of all physical objects to resist changes in their state of motion) is trying to keep the sea water in place. However, the gravity of the moon is stronger, and that is why the water goes towards the moon.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Earth, the Moon’s gravitational pull is weaker because it is further away. There, inertia is stronger than the gravity of the moon, and the water tries to keep flowing in a straight line. This causes the water to leave the Moon.

The forces associated with the Moon’s gravity and inertia create two tidal bulges that remain aligned with the Moon as the Earth rotates. However, the Earth rotates on its axis much faster than the Moon orbits above it.

This means that the friction of the ocean basin moving below also pulls the water with it.

Therefore, the pulses move slightly ahead of the Moon’s orbit, pulling each other’s pulses behind the side of the Earth that does not face the Moon. This gradually slows the rotation of the Earth as the Moon gains energy, causing it to move into a higher orbit.

Other factors also affect the Earth’s rotation, including climate change. As global temperatures rise, polar ice is melting faster than ever, dumping water into the Earth’s oceans.

All that liquid water gradually moves from the Earth’s poles to the equator, where the oceans move towards and away from the Moon.

This causes the Earth to expand further in the middle, thus slowing its rotation even more.

Of course, this means that the days on Earth will be longer. The changes were small enough that people on Earth wouldn’t really notice. The change will also not affect the circadian rhythm of humans on Earth.

But over millions of years, these small changes would add up and eventually add an extra hour to the Earth’s daily cycle. So, one day, the Earth will have 25 hours a day.


2024-08-20 13:30:00
#Scientists #prediction #earth #hoursday #moon #moving

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