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Scientists Observe New Type of Supernova

CALIFORNIA, iNews.id – In 2017, astronomer detects a very bright source of radio waves. Scientists have now been able to determine what caused the unusual burst of radio waves.

The result of the collision was a never-before-seen process. Usually, massive stars explode in supernovae when they run out of nuclear fuel. However, in this case, the black hole or neutron star triggers the companion star to become a supernova prematurely.

The discovery marks the first time a merger-triggered supernova has been confirmed. Researcher Dillon Dong focused on a very bright radio wave source from the VLA survey called VT 1210+4956.

The researchers pinpointed the source of the radio waves associated with the brightest radio transients ever associated with a supernova event. Initially, Dong believed radio energy was a star surrounded by dense gas, as quoted from Slash Gears.

Radio transient events are thought to occur when a star explodes in a supernova and material from the explosion interacts with the gas. However, further investigation found something a little more unusual about the show.

Editor: Dini Listiyani

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