The Red Planet will soon have rings, like those of Saturn, scientists suggest.
Scientists believe Mars will destroy its own moon Phobos. Fragments of a celestial body will create rings around the “militant” planet, like those of Saturn
Write about it Live science.
Scientists say there are signs Mars is negatively affecting Phobos with its gravity. As a result, this can lead to the fact that the largest satellite of this planet simply falls apart, and its fragments form rings around the Red Planet.
Phobos is noted to have an unstable orbit and approach Mars at a rate of two meters every 100 years.
Phobos is one of two moons of Mars. Phobos revolves around Mars at an average distance of 6006 km. Astronomer Bevan in 1945 discovered that Phobos was gradually approaching Mars. According to calculations, the collision will occur in about 43 million years, but Phobos will collapse in 10-11 million years.
Cursor wrote it earlier scientists have discovered how water appeared on Earth.
Also, our site reported it confirmed the general theory of relativity on a galactic scale.