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Scientists have learned which vitamins are dangerous for sick people

Not all vitamins are equally healthy. As scientists have found out, for certain diseases it is better to refuse some of them, writes Cursorinfo. For example, with prostate cancer, calcium is harmful – an overdose of them can adversely affect the effect of vitamin D.

Vitamin A is harmful to patients suffering from psoriasis, because derivatives of this substance are used to regenerate the skin, but if exceeded, they can cause poisoning. And for heart diseases, experts advise against potassium intake, since if the dosage is exceeded, arrhythmia can occur, and an increase in the pulse rate can occur.

Hypertensive patients should not get carried away with vitamin E, since there may be a risk of heart paralysis. To refrain from taking vitamin A and phosphorus is better for patients with diabetes, since an excess of these elements increases the risk of fractures.

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