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Scientists have found that olive oil is the most beneficial in the Mediterranean diet.

Saint Paul, February 22. Olive oil is the most healthy product of the Mediterranean diet. This conclusion was made by scientists at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine.

Experts have found that natural olive oil reduces the risk of chronic diseases. The product is especially relevant for the elderly. To get the most benefit, olive oil should be combined with interval fasting.

“The fat coming from olive oil first accumulates in microscopic cells called lipid drops. And then, when the fat breaks down during exercise or starvation, these beneficial cells are activated and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, ”experts say.

Earlier, a German nutritionist spoke about the benefits and harms of canned food. The specialist noted that canned food contains the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces the risk of cancer and strengthens the immune system. At the same time, the bank itself may be in danger. The content of biphenol A in the coating can lead to hormonal disruptions. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase canned goods in a glass rather than a tin can. This was reported by “Gazeta.ru”.

Products that can replace drugs have also been named. Among the most useful products, experts called honey, ginger, oats, cabbage, lemon, onions and potatoes. But the choice of meat and fish should be treated as carefully as possible.

“If you press the meat with your finger, and it literally fails, not returning to its previous form, another sign of a spoiled product,” said doctor Elena Solomatina.

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