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Scientists have discovered a new planet, Proxim b. It is similar to Earth and awaits life on it

Proxima b is the closest known exoplanet.

In our solar system, astronomers have failed to discover life outside our own planet, so they look around. They were pleasantly surprised to find an Earth-like body near the nearest star, Proximy Centauri, only four light-years away.

An exoplanet called Proxima b orbits in close proximity to its star, but it is still in a region with a temperature that will keep its water supplies in a liquid state and will not turn them into eternal ice or steam. Proxima Centauri is much weaker than our Sun. It is a red dwarf, so it is a small and relatively cold star.

Proxima b also resembles the Earth in weight. The original measurements estimated it at 1.3 times the mass of the Earth, and a more accurate spectrograph reduced the resulting number to 1.17.

This is what the sunrise on Proxima b might look like.Source: Profimedia.CZ

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However, these similarities alone are not enough for the origin of life. The exoplanet would also have to have a stable atmosphere, but we don’t know anything about it yet and it will take us a while to explore it. Although Proxima Centauri is our closest star, current probes would travel to it for millennia. For example, a spacecraft that recently entered Jupiter’s orbit would take 17,000 years to travel to Proxima.

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