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Scientists from the USA named the benefits of intermittent fasting

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Intermittent fasting is good for your health

TRE helps with type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, liver cancer, and even infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Research in California have found that the popular intermittent fasting system has health benefits in addition to weight loss. The results of the study were published in the journal Cell Reports. ScienceDaily.

As you know, the mode of intermittent, or intermittent fasting (TRE – time-restricted eating), restricts meals to certain hours “from” and “to”.

Most of the research on this topic focuses on evaluating weight loss, but American experts decided to test in mice how the TRE regimen affects other body functions.

As it turned out, intermittent fasting is useful not only for metabolic diseases, but also for increasing insulin resistance and resistance to infectious diseases.

Scientists fed laboratory animals high-fat and high-sugar foods, but limited food intake to nine hours a day. At the same time, they coordinated the feeding time with the circadian clock of the mice, which sleep during the day and go out in search of food at night.

During the experiment, analyzes of the chemical composition of the liver of rodents, blood glucose levels, an assessment of total muscle mass, as well as tests for performance, endurance and survival in sepsis were carried out.

The TRE regimen has been found to reliably protect against fatty liver disease regardless of age and gender, and to maintain lower blood sugar levels.

According to the authors, intermittent fasting can be a virtually free and convenient way to prevent or treat diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

The researchers also found that TRE may protect against sepsis-related death, such as in intensive care units, which is especially important during a pandemic.

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