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Scientists fear the possible bacteria inherent in Mars samples

The removal of space rocks from an alien planet is always a risk, as it is not known in advance what dangerous microbes the sample contains.

A NASA Perseverance rovere is already past several successful samples on Mars, the structure has so far managed to collect eight different samples. The Martian samples collected by Perseverance will be transported to Earth jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) under a coordinated program so that samples taken on the planet can be examined live. But some scientists according to this may not be a good idea, as samples can be used by foreign bacteria to reach Earth.

While there are no signs yet of life on the red planet, NASA wants to investigate every possibility to avoid a possible catastrophe. According to a geologist at Louisiana State University, there is very little chance that anything would live on the surface of Mars, but it cannot be completely ruled out. NASA Jet Propulsion Lab scientists say there is nothing to worry about, as the samples are subjected to extremely high heat sterilization of more than 900 degrees to kill any pathogens or contaminants that are in them.

The Jezero Crater – where Perseverance works – is a real paradise for scientists, as billions of years ago there was a delta in the area of ​​a large lake and a river, so it is possible that researchers will also discover traces of former life.

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