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Scientists explain how COVID-19 destroys the heart

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Scientists from the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis, as a result of the study, found out why the heart is damaged in patients with coronavirus and the function of its contraction is impaired. It is reported in the journal JACC: Basic to Translational Science.

As it turned out, the coronavirus is able to penetrate the cells of the heart muscle. The infection kills them and destroys the individual muscle fibers that are responsible for contraction. In this case, the process occurs even without muscle inflammation.

“Inflammation may be a second blow to the damage caused by the virus, but it is not the underlying cause of heart damage,” said one of the study authors, Dr. Corey J. Lavigne.

Experts said that other viral infections also damage the heart, but they do so through the excessive immune response of certain cells. The coronavirus disrupts the proper function of macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells. The danger of this lies in the fact that even with a mild form of the disease in the future, those who have recovered from COVID-19 may develop heart problems.

Previously, Rambler reported that infectious disease specialist spoke about the “Nigerian” strain of coronavirus.

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