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Scientists Discover and Record Plasma Waves ‘Singing’ Around Mercury

sinarharapan.co – Scientists for the first time detected and recorded the phenomenon of plasma waves “singing” around the planet Mercury.

This discovery was made by an astronomer named Mitsunori Ozaki from Kanazawa University together with a team of scientists from Japan and France.

Sound plasma waves have been observed previously on Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and recorded on Uranus and Neptune.

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This discovery was the first to occur for “whistling” sound waves recorded around Mercury’s magnetic field.

This discovery is interesting because Mercury, although other planets have a strong magnetic field, actually has a weak magnetic field.

Mercury can be considered a solid object with almost no atmosphere.

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Due to its proximity to the Sun, the planet is constantly exposed to solar radiation and winds.

This differentiates it from other planets which have a thick and fertile atmosphere, as well as permanent radiation belts where solar particles are trapped in the planet’s magnetic field.

The researchers believe this discovery could provide insight into the magnetic environment around Mercury and the way the planet’s magnetic field is shaped by the solar wind.

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Although Mercury is still an understudied planet as only a few space missions have been dedicated to studying it, knowledge about the planet continues to grow.

In the 1970s, the Mariner 10 space probe revealed the existence of Mercury’s magnetic field.

As time goes by, researchers continue to try to fill this knowledge gap, one of which is by launching the Mercury BepiColombo mission in 2018.

2023-10-17 03:53:00
#Wonderful #Scientists #Successfully #Record #Phenomenon #Singing #Plasma #Waves #Planet #Mercury #Sinar #Harapan #Sinar #Harapan

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