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Scientists Develop Covid-19 Vaccine Using Uncoated Spike Protein

KOMPAS.com – Vaccines are weapons that scientists continue to develop to fight Covid-19. The new breakthrough is being used by researchers in the United States, by developing Covid-19 vaccine experimental use protein spike without a layer of sugar.

corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19, which infects lung cells coats themselves with sugars produced by the bodies of infected people.

Method SARS-CoV-2 virus infects using this spike protein which then helps it hide parts of the virus that antibodies can target.

Currently, a study is being tested to thwart the trick corona virus it’s by showing the immune system parts of the virus with the sugar removed.

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Reported ReutersWednesday (2/3/2022), under development experimental Covid-19 vaccine In this case, the researchers used enzymes in the production process of a modified vaccine.

With this method, according to Chi-Huey Wong of The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, researchers get protein spike virus corona without sugar protectors.

He said unlike current vaccines, the experimental Covid-19 vaccine will expose all parts of the spike protein that are not coated with sugar into the body.

The possibility of this Covid-19 vaccine, according to scientists, will be more effective in stimulating a wider immune response against these variants.varian virus corona currently available.

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photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/sains/image/2022/03/05/170200923/ilmuwan-kembangkan-vaksin-covid-19-menggunakan-protein-spike-tanpa-lapisan?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">SHUTTERSTOCK/creativeneko Illustration of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus that causes Covid-19. The spike-like protrusions scattered on the surface of the coronavirus are called spike proteins.-

This is because, according to the researchers, sugar is used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to disguise part of the spike protein that is found in almost all variants of the corona virus.

This experimental Covid-19 vaccine study was carried out on mice. In this study, the mice’s bodies built an immune system with spike proteins that were not coated in sugar.

Furthermore, the immune system of the mice injected with the Covid-19 vaccine elicited a stronger immune response and better protection against the virus variant of concerncompared to a Covid-19 vaccine that targets the native spike protein.

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The study’s hypotheses have been reported in a paper published last March 1 in Science Translational Medicine.

Removing or removing the protective glycan or sugar that coats the spike protein portion is done to better expose the unmutated portion of the spike.

This, the researchers conclude, could potentially be an effective and simple approach to developing a Covid-19 vaccine that can protect broadly from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and currently available coronavirus variants.

Also read: Study: Covid-19 Vaccine Effective Against Most Variants of SARS-CoV-2 Virus

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