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Scientists believe they found a fossil of a dinosaur killed by an asteroid. This asteroid

66 million years ago, an asteroid struck the ground that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Scientists have just discovered an animal fossil that could have died as a result of this event, he reports “The Guardian“.

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The find is a perfectly preserved leg, along with the remains of skin. It was she who made it possible to carry out such accurate dating. Researchers discovered the presence of debris that could be a direct result of an impact from a cosmic object.

The limb broke away from a herbivorous dinosaur, most likely a Tessellosaurus, Focus explains.

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An unusual discovery of scientists. “This Shouldn’t Happen”

– This is total madness – said prof. Phillip Manning for the University of Manchester. – The time resolution we can achieve exceeds our wildest expectations. This shouldn’t have happened, it’s amazing. In my whole career, I never dreamed that I would be able to see something that is a) so limited in time and b) so beautiful. And they tell a great story – he added on the BBC.

The discovery took place during work nad filmem dokumentalnym “Dinosaurs: The Final Day with Sir David Attenborough” implemented by the BBC in North Dakota, at the Tanis paleontology site. The dinosaur’s leg is not the only intriguing find – researchers have also found fish remains, which may also contain fragments of the object.

Robert DePalma, one of the paleantologists participating in the research, is also very emotional. – We see so many details about this place that it’s almost like watching a movie. They tell us moment by moment what happened here – he said.

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Scientists have discovered fossils of other animals – turtles, small mammals, as well as the remains of a triceratops skin, a pterosaur embryo in an egg, and debris that may be the remains of an asteroid.

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