Home » Health » Scientists believe that a special type of honey could be used as a medicine to prevent or treat cancer

Scientists believe that a special type of honey could be used as a medicine to prevent or treat cancer

It would seem that after February 24, 2022, the questions of why we celebrate Independence Day in Republic of Moldovawhat the August 27 festivals symbolize and why we should spend money on them. The invasion and bombing of Ukraine by Russian troops should have reminded us of the meaning of the freedom we gained in 1991, which held us captive and which continues to threaten our Independence, stiripesurse.md.

But, in reality, there are still people who question the necessity of these demonstrations, because they did not want and do not want to be independent from Russia and think, like Putin, that the breakup of the USSR was “the biggest tragedy of Russia. 20th century”. The “freedom” is our work, on August 24, not August 27, they organize marches through Chisinau, under red flags, among which, tricolor rarely enters, for the eyes of the world.

Let’s not forget that Voronin and his comrades canceled Independence Day, and replaced it with “Republic Day”, because it was painful, unbearable for them to celebrate their separation from the USSR, from Russia, of course . They overturned the holiday, giving it another meaning, mocking many who had fought for freedom.

The problem at the root of the shameless Russian imperial lie is that our history begins after 1812 and there is another language and other people outside the Prut. If we accepted this lie, for the sake of realpolitik or civil “harmony”, because some are pushing us, not only from the East, we would not only lose the meaning of the August 27 holiday, it would mean giving up our human dignity, we accept our status as animals, even political ones.

There is no union that participated in the democratic and national movement of the 90s and knows what commitment and sacrifice was achieved from Russia starting on Independence Day. Some unionists believe that the period after 1991 has gone too long, that it is time for the Republic of Moldova to reunite with Romania, and we agree with them, but we must admit that there was a lot of naivety and romanticism in our political and geopolitical assessments until recently

It is only today that we begin to fully understand how serious Russia was and is with the restoration of the USSR, how strong the desire for revenge was in the Kremlin and how fraudulent they work for it. The war did not start earlier, because Putin had believed that Ukraine (and the Republic of Moldova, and other states in the neighborhood) were under his control. Now we understand that the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova is just beginning to be realized, that this great distance between formal and real independence, which took us 33 years to cross on, not just because of us.

All our “natural” vulnerabilities – the lack of a suitable political elite, first, and the reckless full disclosure of the population to the influence of Russian propaganda – are compounded by the well-thought-out actions of special services of Russia, the infiltration of all state institutions, the sabotage of actions aimed at the consolidation of economic, political, intelligence independence, towards the rapprochement with Romania and European integration (for 30 years there has been no -to connect energy systems, bridges and railways with a European gauge was not built). And all this with the tacit agreement of Brussels, lest they upset Moscow, with the recognition that Russia has a special right, as an advocate for the legacy of the USSR: to keep the newly independent states around it area of ​​”effect”.

Although Ukraine has proven that Russia is a colossus with feet of clay, there are still, both in Europe and America, political forces that are willing to once again trade our destiny for gains geopolitical imaginary. The conclusions we must draw during the anniversary of August 27th are that we need a plan, a strategy for our future, which we can achieve “without any hindrance from outside, according to the opinions and holy wishes of the people. in the historical and ethnic sphere of national being”.

2024-08-27 04:31:11
#Scientists #special #type #honey #medicine #prevent #treat #cancer

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