Home » today » Technology » Scientists: Aliens May Use Black Holes As Quantum Computers | SETI | Wow Signals | Dyson Spheres

Scientists: Aliens May Use Black Holes As Quantum Computers | SETI | Wow Signals | Dyson Spheres

[The Epoch Times, February 22, 2023](The Epoch Times reporter Linda compiled and reported) A new study suggests that if you want to find aliens, you have to think like aliens. Research suggests that the Alien Searching Scientists Organization (SETI) should perhaps focus on the material emitted by black holes.

One of the central questions since SETI was founded in 1984 has been what to look for when looking for evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. The original idea was to look for electromagnetic radiation (such as gamma rays or radio waves) as a signal—for example, the famous “Wow signal” detected by radio telescopes.

However, physicists Gia Dvali and Zaza Osmanov argue that the possibility of advanced civilizations using black holes as quantum computers is worth considering.

This is due to the fact that “black holes are the most effective capacitors for quantum information. Therefore, it is expected that all sufficiently advanced civilizations will eventually use black holes in their quantum computers,” the authors wrote in the paper, which was accepted for publication on January 24 inelectronic preprint arXiv, has not yet been peer-reviewed. “Alien quantum computers will radiate ordinary particles, such as neutrinos and photons, within the potential sensitivity range of our detectors.”

For years, people have thought that the weird space-time behavior of black holes is similar to quantum computers. Quantum computing is tooled with an array of mirrors, beam splitters and beams that alter the phase of photons to map to binary digits of 0s and 1s. Quantum information encoded in a beam of light undergoes a similar process when it approaches a spinning black hole.

This approach to finding aliens has another distinct advantage: its scientific basis is truly universal.

“No matter how advanced a civilization is, or how different its particle composition and chemical composition are from ours, we are all unified by the laws of quantum physics and gravity,” the authors told Universe Today. “These laws tell us that the most efficient storage of quantum information is a black hole.”

Certain theories have speculated about the general technological trajectory of most civilizations. The Kardashev scale, proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev, shows that Type 1 civilizations can use all the energy available on their planets from the host star. Type 2 civilizations can use all the energy of their stars (for example: using “Dyson spheres”). A Type 3 civilization can harness the energy of its entire galaxy. However, another scale called the Barrow Scale takes this big concept and applies it to small things—such as atoms and quantum mechanics.

Because scientists like Valli and Osmanov believe that black holes are the best quantum computers available, it is likely that the third type of civilization mentioned above will be able to take advantage of them. ◇#

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei

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