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Scientific prestige of Cuban vaccines recognized in Spain

Cuba’s scientific prestige, particularly with COVID-19 vaccines, was highlighted this Monday in Spain, Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) researcher and scientist and Cuban Sovereign vaccine developer Belinda Sánchez reported.

“Currently, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus have emergency clearance from regulatory agencies and are used in a two vaccination program plus a third booster; and also Soberana Plus for emergency use in convalescence treatment, ”she said.

In this sense, he recalled that the entire Cuban population has been vaccinated and a second booster is applied for people over the age of 50 and for the most exposed personnel, such as doctors and scientists, reports the Prensa Latina portal.

The specialist explained that the Cuban sera are in the process of final registration and file submission to the World Health Organization (WHO), which Abdala has already done and Soberana hopes to complete it by the end of the year.

On the myth that a so-called Third World country like Cuba could not produce a vaccine in the face of the international crisis triggered by the pandemic, Belinda Sánchez gave as an example the case of collaboration with Italy “thanks to our friendship with Italians and for excellent existing scientific links (a part of the Sovereign had a leading role in Italy), we got closer when we saw that there was a crisis with Italian children ”.

We also saw that the Omicron wave was very different in Cuba and the key may or may not be to have children vaccinated. So we have encountered obstacles in Italy for not having WHO authorization; It was then that a clinical trial called Soberana Plus Turin was born, he added.

Expanding the topic, the CIM researcher pointed out that 30 Italians, who had been convalescing from COVID-19 or had other vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna) went to Havana and received Cuban serum inoculation.

“They were in Cuba for a week and 28 days later they had blood drawn for immunological tests, some in Italy and others in Cuba. And it has been shown that Sovereign Plus can act as a universal booster, it is a very safe vaccine, the Italians reacted perfectly and all this is reflected in palpable scientific results ”.

Invited to the XVI National Solidarity Meeting with Cuba in Spain, Belinda Sánchez at the same time praised the agreement with the Roswell Park Cancer Research Center, in Buffalo, USA, concerning the Cuban vaccine against a specific type of breast cancer, the lung .


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