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Scientific debate, art and music at the Fiesta Iberoamericana

The theoretical space foresees two special moments with the panel “30 years after a cultural debate: the reciprocal encounter”, with the participation of historians, archaeologists and speleologists, and the intervention dedicated to “Italian migrations in the world. Memory and travel ”by the journalist Nicola Pirone.

The Congresso del Pensiero is part of the Festival’s program annually, with a broad agenda of socio-economic, historical, cultural and political current affairs of the nations participating in the meeting.

On this occasion, about a hundred Cuban and foreign participants participate in the event, mainly from Chile, Italy and Canada; as well as from the provinces of Villa Clara, Camagüey, Las Tunas, Santiago de Cuba and Holguín.

The Festival program for this day also includes the inauguration of the Iberocuento space, with the show for children: Cuentos para una fiesta, in the Alberto Dávalos hall of the Comandante Eddy Suñol theater.

Plastic artists, critics, promoters and other guests will discuss Mexican Muralism in homage to the centenary of this artistic and social movement.

A special moment will be the Ibero-American Parade, a traditional parade of participants, which runs through one of the main arteries of the city of Holguin, starting from El Quijote Park to Casa de Iberoamérica, in San José Park.

Until next day 30, the Ibero-American Culture Festival will carry out an approach to the debates on the reciprocal encounter between America and Europe, 530 years after the arrival of Christopher Columbus in Cuba.

lam / mlp

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