Home » Technology » Sciences Po Lille Director Condemns Students Tagged on “Wall of Shame” for Expressing Opinion

Sciences Po Lille Director Condemns Students Tagged on “Wall of Shame” for Expressing Opinion

Greetings to Pierre Mathiot, the director of Sciences Po Lille regarding the Wall of Shame affair. At the beginning of the week, the first names of eleven students from Sciences Po Lille were tagged in front of the school with this inscription “The Wall of Shame”.

What is reproached to these eleven students? The Wall of Shame is a reference to the Berlin Wall and the idea of ​​dishonor. So what did they say or do to deserve this? They just said they were against the blocking of their school as part of the protests against the pension reform.

But apparently they have no right to express their opinion. Fortunately, at the head of this school, there is a director, Pierre Mathiot, who has no intention of letting this pass and letting young students import into the establishment. their sectarian leftism.

It’s good to remember which side is the shame

Alba Ventura

Pierre Mathiot published an impeccable press release. He condemns the practices of certain students: “These practices aim to impose a police of thought, a single vision of the good, of what it is possible to say and forbidden to express. Those who deviate from it are accused without any nuance of being fascists or identitarians and condemned in the name of a sort of unsurpassable morality. If you don’t think well, you are against it. If you are against it, you are a fascist. Such bigotry is beyond comprehension.”

Pierre Mathiot will file a complaint alongside the students who were targeted. It is good to remember which side is the shame.

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