Research needs you! Take part in a major survey by the Muséum national d’Histoire natuelle on the perception of science in our democracies.
As part of a study on participatory sciences and public perception of science, the Center for Ecology and Conservation Sciences (Sorbonne University-CNRS-MNHN) at the National Museum of Natural History is launching a large study under the form of an online questionnaire, available here or by clicking on the button below.
This study is notably carried out by Baptiste Bedessem and Anne Dozières, both members of the Center for Ecology and Conservation Sciences, at the National Museum of Natural History. Baptiste Bedessem is a researcher in the philosophy of science, and is interested in the relationship between science and society, in the democratization of science, as well as in participatory sciences. Anne Dozières is project manager, director of the Vigie-Nature network of citizen biodiversity observatories. The objective of this questionnaire is to better understand the relations that citizens have with science.
Your participation will allow us to collect important data to promote public commitment to scientific research, a commitment that seems more than ever essential for the proper functioning of our democracies. We will of course keep you informed of the results of this study, which will undoubtedly be fascinating. Thank you for participating and widely disseminating this study to your contacts and on your social networks.
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