Home » News » Schwarzwaldmilch Group Sees New Opportunity With Landliebe Licenses: Fresh Milk in a Glass and Mix Drinks

Schwarzwaldmilch Group Sees New Opportunity With Landliebe Licenses: Fresh Milk in a Glass and Mix Drinks

Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – The Schwarzwaldmilch Group sees acquired licenses for certain Landliebe products as a new opportunity. Landliebe has been a nationwide brand for 20 years, said managing director Andreas Schneider on Thursday in Freiburg. The dairy now has licenses for fresh milk in a glass and fresh milk mix drinks of this brand.

In February, the Federal Cartel Office gave the dairy giant Theo Müller (Müller Milch, Weihenstephan) the green light to take over brands and production facilities from competitor Royal Friesland Campina (Tuffi, Landliebe). However, the companies had to make concessions. According to earlier information, these included licenses to sell rice pudding and fresh mixed milk drinks under the Landliebe brand.

The turnover of the Schwarzwaldmilch Group with plants in Freiburg and Offenburg rose by seven percent last year to 248.3 million euros – that was a record. The increase was mainly due to price increases. After taxes, the cooperatively organized group had retained earnings of 1.4 million euros. Suppliers are farmers from the region.

Because of the payout prices, however, 24 companies decided to quit last year, reported Schneider. These terminations will therefore take effect at the end of next year. But there are also new producers, as the dairy boss said. There are currently 884 companies. The industry is under pressure because of cost increases.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:230629-99-228798/2

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