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Schools will open again today, but not everyone is happy with that

Last weekend, education minister Arie Slob announced that secondary education will resume from today can open all the way. Schools have been allowed to open one day a week for some time.

Positive advice OMT

That decision followed a positive advice from the Outbreak Management Team (OMT). The corona figures have improved considerably recently and the 1.5 meter rule can be abandoned in secondary education.

Minister Slob does not require students to keep their distance from each other at school, but they do need to keep their distance from the teachers. “Other basic rules, such as wearing face masks, remain in force.”

In addition, the OMT advises students and teachers to be tested twice a week with a self-test. Schools receive these tests from the ministry.

‘Six weeks of physical training makes a big difference’

“The fact that students will receive at least six weeks of full physical education this school year makes a big difference,” said Minister Slob. “Not just for school performance, but for their well-being.”

Yet the criticism swelled last week. Unions find the reopening not a good idea. They want to maintain the current situation, where half of the students are at school at the same time, until the summer holidays.

Schools are divided. “A young teacher recently ended up on the IC due to corona”, said a driver previously to RTL Nieuws. “Opening is absolutely not a certainty for us.”

‘Spicy behind computer screens’

Yesterday the subject was also discussed at the table at Humberto. “It was tough for students, behind computer screens,” said geography teacher Hidde Nuijten. He is ready to see everyone ‘live’ again.

Kim van Strien, who, in addition to being a French teacher, is also chief executive of the General Education Association (AOb), sees more obstacles in the way. Her school is not opening yet, because more time is needed to organize everything. Watch the entire conversation here:

Not ready for reopening

Yesterday, after a tour of NU.nl, that many more schools are not ready for a full reopening. Some school principals, for example, do not know how to set up the self-test structure and change schedules and classrooms in a week’s time.

This week the choice is still up to the school. Starting next week, Monday 7 June, reopening will be mandatory and all secondary schools must receive all students again.

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