Salzgitter (dpa / lni) – Lower Saxony’s minister of education, Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD), has expressed criticism of Lower Saxony’s municipalities going it alone in schools. “I’m worried that debates and facts will fall apart,” Tonne told the “Braunschweiger Zeitung” (Wednesday) about the situation in Lower Saxony. Salzgitter had previously decided that the schools in the city of Salzgitter would remain in alternation until the Christmas holidays.
“The regulation gives clear guidelines, which one cannot generally ignore,” said Tonne of the newspaper. The so-called seven-day incidence in Salzgitter was 112.2 on Monday. With such a value, scenario B actually only applies if there are quarantine measures at the specific school. Only from a value of 200 do stricter regulations such as scenario B for everyone from the seventh grade and the expansion of the mask requirement to include primary school students.
Mayor Frank Klingebiel (CDU) justified the step with the fact that 27 school locations in Salzgitter had been affected by quarantine measures since the end of the autumn vacation, including 14 primary schools.
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