Home » today » Business » Schools – Potsdam – criticism of the start of corona rapid tests is growing – education

Schools – Potsdam – criticism of the start of corona rapid tests is growing – education

Potsdam (dpa / bb) – The resistance to the start of the most comprehensive corona rapid tests in Brandenburg schools from Monday is growing. The state teachers’ council opposed the plans, the implementation of which is to begin with the opening of comprehensive schools, high schools and grammar schools for alternating lessons between school and home. The panel has concerns about the handling of the tests, but also warns of a health risk.

“As pedagogically trained staff, we do not see ourselves in a position to guide all students to medical measures,” writes the state teachers’ council to Education Minister Britta Ernst (SPD) in a letter that was published on Friday. “A test in school requires that the students sit together without a mask in a room that, at the current temperature, cannot be ventilated for the entire duration of the test.” Many schools already needed all rooms for classroom attendance.

If a corona test turns out positive, every school must have additional staff. “These staff are not available for regular classes or emergency care.” The teachers’ council also expressed concern that not all students come to face-to-face classes: “There are parents who are considering not letting their child go to school if not all students can be tested,” the letter says. The regional council wants to represent the interests of the teachers and is also represented on the regional school advisory board. The “Märkische Allgemeine” had previously written about the criticism.

The first corona self-tests in schools should start as nationwide as possible in Brandenburg from Monday. 300,000 tests are available for this purpose, and it should be 2.6 million by the summer holidays. The education and science union (GEW) and parents in Brandenburg also warn of risks. They fear that the test options provided so far will not be enough. Ernst rejected fears on Thursday.

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