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Schools – Freiburg im Breisgau – Emergency care is expanded and is of great interest – Education

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – The expansion of childcare for children in the corona crisis announced by the state government is of great interest to parents. The authorities registered a high demand, said a spokeswoman for the city of Freiburg. Preparations are underway nationwide. Cities and municipalities are busy expanding emergency care and covering needs, it said. Additional childcare places would be created in schools. In addition, employees would have to be taken on to look after the children. The country had decided to expand emergency care in the southwest. The extended offer starts on Monday.

Children are now entitled to emergency care, for whom both parents are considered indispensable in their professions. From Monday onwards, children up to the seventh grade will be looked after. So far, emergency care has been available for children up to sixth grade. In addition, the parents had to work in “systemically relevant professions”.

“Organizing the extended emergency care at such short notice is anything but easy. The municipalities, independent organizations and day carers are doing a great job here, for which I am very grateful,” said Minister of Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU). But it must be clear that the care is only an emergency service. “We are very aware of the strain on many parents,” said the minister. “But we all have to be patient before we can go back to everyday life.”

It is important to her to be able to give her a perspective on more normality as soon as possible. “We also have to check to what extent playgrounds can be reopened from May 4th, taking into account the protection against infection and the distance requirement – of course subject to the Corona development in the next few days,” said Eisenmann. Playgrounds are a magnet for families, especially when the weather is nice. An opening could “be a blessing for many children and families, especially in cramped living conditions”.

According to the country, parents who apply for emergency care must submit a certificate from their employer and confirm that family or other care is not possible.

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