Home » today » Business » Schools – Düsseldorf – Around four out of ten students have a migration background – education

Schools – Düsseldorf – Around four out of ten students have a migration background – education

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The proportion of students with a history of immigration rose slightly in North Rhine-Westphalia in the past school year 20/21. As the State Statistical Office reported on Friday in Düsseldorf, almost 950,000 pupils at general and vocational schools had a migration background. This corresponds to a share of 39.4 percent (previous year 19/20: 38.2 percent).

The highest shares nationwide were recorded in Augustdorf (78.2 percent) and Wesseling (63.3 percent). The rates were lowest in Niederkrüchten (4.4 percent) and Borgentreich (5.4 percent). There were also differences between the types of school: At secondary schools, the rate was highest at 62.5 percent. At secondary schools it was 50.2 percent, at comprehensive schools 45.8 percent and at elementary schools 44.9 percent. At the grammar schools, the proportion was 32.1 percent.

According to the statisticians, people with a history of immigration are schoolchildren who were born abroad and immigrated to Germany. In addition, pupils of whom at least one parent was born abroad and immigrated to Germany are assigned to this group.

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