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School, yes from Regions and local authorities to the guidelines Reopens on September 14th, Count: “No more chicken coop classes”

It reopens on September 14th – “The schools will reopen on 1st September for the recovery courses and on the 14th there is the real reopening”. This was made official by Undersecretary of Education Peppe De Cristofaro. “On 20 September – he added – I really hope that we can do what many are asking, that is to look for alternative places to schools to carry out the elections. Otherwise it would honestly be a punch in the eye and a real hoax. I hope it will be resolved positively “.

Distance teaching only in high school – “Distance teaching under the age of fourteen is not done, it is done only for secondary school but in absolutely residual conditions, when it is really impossible to give life to normal teaching. The commitment and the goal of the government is bring all the students back into the classroom and imagine distance learning as a true extrema ratio. ” Peppe De Cristofaro, Undersecretary of Education added.

The other news Therefore, the agreement on the discussed 2020-2021 School Plan was reached at the end of controversies, negotiations and filings that led to a text shared by all, except for the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca. Eighteen pages of standards and guidelines to ensure maximum safety inside and outside the institutes. For the moment, the use of Plexiglas or other material separators has been excluded, but the physical distance of one meter between the buccal rhymes has been confirmed (mouths, ed) among the pupils “(as the Technical Scientific Committee writes verbatim). Inputs and outputs will be” deferred and staggered “, while lessons will be held in” differentiated shifts “.

A “different weekly modulation of time at school” is also possible, a phrase that has replaced the extension of the lessons on Saturday in the final text of the draft. “We want less crowded classes. I don’t like the so-called chicken coop classes, we don’t tolerate them anymore,” said the premier, presenting the plan where, in fact, more space is requested. “We bring students to cinemas, theaters, museums, we make sure that they breathe the culture they need”, the proposal of the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, who is already dealing with school buildings that little goes hand in hand with the dictates of greater security. And so the newborn software implemented in these weeks to survey buildings and school structures already brings to light a “15% of students” who would be forced
to stay out of the classroom
. “We work on light school buildings – continues Azzolina -. If that is not enough, we have taken over the 3,000 abandoned school buildings. The school must reopen not only in safety, but that it is new, more open and inclusive”

Bonaccini: “Excellent result for the piano ok” – President of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, expressed satisfaction, speaking of an “excellent result” and stressing that “the Regions had a decisive role in the construction of a 2020-2021 plan that would respond as much as possible to the different needs of the teachers and of school managers, students and local authorities “. To the government, he underlines, “we asked for adequate resources for the planned organizational and didactic solutions (in this regard we need at least a billion more on which we have precise reassurances from the minister), an increase in staff and a table on the issue of transport”.

“Thanks to Minister Azzolina” – Bonaccini then “thanked Lucia Azzolina for the availability of the comparison” and explained: “We have worked a lot on this text in the awareness that the reopening of schools is the first sign of a country that really starts again. Now the text has improved considerably thanks precisely to the contribution and pragmatism of the Councilors for Education of the Regions who have had a constant dialogue with the ministry until the end. Today’s represents a further response to the detractors of institutional consultation “. Meanwhile, the minister asked the government for a billion more for the school to be allocated to additional spaces and staffing.

No by De Luca: “Stop criticizing the minister” – However, the no of the governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca remains, who expressed his “disagreement with the measures” and reiterated “our firm criticism of the Minister of Education, for whom school problems have become marginal with respect to politics politician “.

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