Home » News » School, the government postpones the reopening of high schools to Monday 11. Clash in the CDM, then mediation. In the decree also the post-holiday measures
School, the government postpones the reopening of high schools to Monday 11. Clash in the CDM, then mediation. In the decree also the post-holiday measures
The return to the classroom of the students of the high school it was postponed to January 11th. This was decided by the government during a cabinet fiery, with the Democratic Party decided to ask for the reopening after January 15 e 5 star movement e Italy alive strongly opposed to any postponement. The head of the delegation of the dem, Dario Franceschini, in fact, he presented himself at the top by posing the theme as one political question, after that in the day Veneto, Marche and Friuli they unilaterally decided to postpone everything until the end of the month, at least as regards the superior. The pentastellati and the minister Lucia Azzolina, however, they remained firm on the date of 7 January. As well as the Renzian ministers Bellanova and Bonetti, who defined a “unacceptable chaos“Any postponement. Then the mediation, obtained after hours of meetings by Prime Minister Conte.
On the anti-Covid restrictions, however, there seems to be agreement: after the Epiphany it will not trigger no ‘free all’. Rather. The data on the positivity rate have started to grow again and the restart will have to be very cautious, as the regional governors underlined during the meetings with the executive. The CDM must give the green light to a “bridge decree“Before the new dpcm scheduled for January 15. On the table there is the possibility of extending the stop to travel between Regions and to put the country in zone Orange in the next weekend. Hypothesis proposed by the Minister of Health himself, Roberto Speranza. For the January 7-8instead, the rules of the yellow zone, while the regional division should restart from Monday 11th. On the table of Palazzo Chigi also the modification of the thresholds for the passage between zones, with theindice Rt which will be lowered by 0.25: a tightening, confirmed by the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia, which will then lead to greater rigidity.