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School, the fight against mafias will be part of the new guidelines in teaching Civic Education

ROME – Education to combat all mafias and all forms of crime and illegality is in the New Guidelines for Teaching Civic Education that will be activated starting from September 2024 in all Italian schools.

The culture of legality at school. Teaching legality is one of the most important educational frontiers for schools and the new Civic Education Guidelines, in force in less than a month, underline its importance. The exact wording is “education to combat all mafias and all forms of crime and illegality” thus indicating three key words: mafias, crime and illegality. In particular, it indicates pursuing “the fight against crime against the person, against public and private property, through learning, from the very first grades of school, individual behaviors that can combat such phenomena”.

Since the very first years of school. Another key expression is the specification “from the very first grades of school”: the fight against mafias, crime and illegality must be taught from a very early age, when psychic and biological individuality meets the culture of reference. It is in those delicate moments that education for civil living must begin: there are many cases in which school dropout becomes the result of the contrast between family culture and the values ​​that school is the bearer of.

Threats to those who take care of the bosses’ children. Speaking of minors, the news of these hours is the threats received by Claudia Caramanna, Palermo’s chief prosecutor for minors, and the strengthening of her escort: her work also includes monitoring the children of mafia bosses. The school world immediately closed ranks around the judge. The discovery of the threatening message occurred during the filming of the film by Ricky Tognazzi and Simona Izzo dedicated to Francesca Morvillo, wife of Giovanni Falcone and former deputy prosecutor for minors.

The pedagogy of anti-mafia. It is a field in which experts, teachers, students, universities, schools and institutions have been comparing notes for decades, in the past much more in the South than in the North. The starting point can be considered the killing of Piersanti Mattarella: after that assassination in Sicily, regional law no. 51 of 4 June 1980 was born, which introduced the fight against mafia culture into schools. Over time, a variety of initiatives have followed on the part of schools, institutions and associations that deal with social anti-mafia, including the Charter of Intent (signed by the Ministry, the National Association of Magistrates, the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, the National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Superior Council of the Judiciary and the Ministry of Justice) and March 21, the first day of spring, recognized in 2017, with a unanimous vote in the Chamber of Deputies, as the “Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the victims of the mafia”.

Crimes among minors. According to the data in the report Antigone relating to 2024, as of January 15, there were 496 inmates in the 17 juvenile penal institutions, of which 254 foreigners and 13 women. 57.7% are under 18 years old. The highest numbers in Beccaria in Milan (69 boys), the lowest in Quartucciu, Sardinia (8 boys present) and Pontremoli in Tuscany (8 girls), the only all-female juvenile penal institution. In 55.2% of cases for property crimes (63.9% if we look only at foreigners and 70.2% if we look only at women): robbery (30.5%) and theft (15.1%). 22.7% for crimes against the person. Violations of the law on narcotics are increasing: + 37.4% in just one year.

The fight against addictions. In the Civic Education Guidelines, particular attention is paid to combating addictions deriving from drugs, smoking, alcohol, doping, pathological use of the web, gaming and gambling in the context of promoting health and healthy lifestyles, starting with nutrition, sports activities and the psychophysical well-being of the person.

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– 2024-08-15 20:58:15

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