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School starts in Saxony – with 1,000 new teachers and more students

Saxony’s Ministry of Education wants to cushion the loss of lessons with digital learning and teaching. To this end, teachers will be provided with material for which students are Various media offerings available on the Internet“We will systematically expand digital self-learning at secondary schools and grammar schools in Saxony,” said Education Minister Christan Piwarz. From the new school year, these schools will also be able to implement lessons independently in digital self-learning phases.

Another innovation concerns written work. While gender formulations were previously marked as errors but not penalized, they will now result in points being deducted.

Union describes school situation as disastrous

The Saxon education union GEW describes the overall picture of the Saxon school landscape as disastrous. The shortage of teachers will become more severe this school year, says GEW chairman Burkhard Naumann.

Politicians must now finally put an end to the shortage management and present a sustainable plan.

Burkhard Naumann GEW Chairman

“The loss of lessons is part of everyday life in all types of schools and in all regions. In many classes, subjects are being cut or eliminated entirely. Whole generations of students are not receiving the education they deserve,” says Naumann. All students are suffering as a result and teachers are facing another school year with a very high workload. “Politicians must now finally put an end to the shortage management and present a sustainable plan,” demands Naumann.

The Saxon Teachers’ Association (SLV) also sees it this way. It attributes the current situation to bad decisions made over the past 15 years. “For years we have been pointing out the need to hire large numbers of new, fully trained teachers,” explains state chairman Michael Jung. “A forward-looking personnel policy would not only have secured the workforce in the long term, but would also have ensured a balanced age structure in the teaching staff.” Jung called for a sustainable personnel policy.

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