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School, return spaced “between buccal rhymes”. The complete plan in Pdf – Chronicle

Rome, June 26, 2020 – From 14 September we are back in class. But stand apart “among the oral rhymes“. This is what is learned fromSchool plan ‘, prepared by the Ministry of Education following the guidelines of the Cts and examined by the Regions, which confirms the social distancing as the central point for the reopening of the Institutes. The distance, calculated from mouth to mouth, that is the possible source of contagion (saliva, therefore the mouth), would make the organization of the classrooms easier, because it could be less than a meter in the case of pupils who turn their backs, as happens between the rows of banks. And the masks? Everything will be decided in the two weeks before startup of the school year. The mandatory nature of the mask during the lessons, at the present moment, will therefore be established on the basis of the trend of the epidemic. And there could be, at least for elementary school, the abolition of the obligation to wear the device.

In September, educational institutions reopen their doors “not only from a security perspective, but being new, more open and inclusive”. This is how the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina, in the press conference with the premier Conte, presented the school plan, reporting that they received requests from the kids to “go out of school”. So “let’s take our students to museums, in archives, libraries, cinemas, theaters – the minister proposed -, we make sure that they breathe culture. And the little ones let’s take them to park, if time permits “. The school starts again and, Azzolina underlined, better if it is” one colorful school, in which the student must be happy to enter and sad to leave. “

To prevent the spread of infections, there will be in the classroom fewer pupils, ma more teachers and specialists – explained Azzolina -. For example, in primary school I wish there was a teacher who graduated in English to do English. “Password training also for Ata staff: “I dream of critical minds – the minister continued – we do not want puppets but people who think with their own heads and learn as much as possible”. The Plan also takes stock of the health regulations to be followed and how to intervene in the event of contagion.

School plan in Pdf

(To download it, press in the center and then in the top left corner)

Some guidelines

Distance learning. Lessons will resume in attendance, except for second grade secondary schools, ie high schools, where it will be possible to provide “integrated digital teaching, where the context conditions make it a preferable option” or where “technological opportunities allow, age and skills of students. “

Gatherings. To avoid overcrowding, especially when entering and leaving the institutes, “deferred and staggered” arrivals are expected, while the canteen can be organized over two or more shifts. If this is not enough, local authorities will be able to study alternative solutions, such as even eating the meal in single portions in the classroom.

Frequency and lessons. Confirmed the attendance at different shifts and “the modular articulation of groups of pupils coming from the same or from different classes or from different course years”. Instead, the reference to attendance on Saturday disappeared, replaced by a “different weekly modulation of time at school”.

Tables. The Plan envisages that Tables be set up in each region to monitor “the actions taken by the Conferences of the services at a territorial level and by the various actors involved in the organization of school activities, also in order to detect any critical issues not resolved at the level support and resolution, taking particular care of the special needs arising from the need to protect pupils with disabilities “.

Training. The schools will organize, “individually or online”, specific training activities for teaching staff and ATA, on the use of new technologies in relation to the various tasks and professionalism.

Institutes. In addition to the constant and thorough sanitation of the spaces, the schools will have to “provide for the functional organization of the external and internal spaces, to avoid grouping or gatherings and to guarantee adequate entry, exit, outflow and distance at any stage of the school day, for pupils, families , school and non-school staff “.

Public transport. The Plan “acknowledges the need to activate a special work table coordinated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with the participation of the Ministry of Education” and representatives of Local Authorities for “finding specific resources that may be necessary” .

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