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School, reopen on December 9th? The no of the Regions. “It would only serve to take the Christmas photo” – Corriere.it

“The regions unanimously agreed to suggest to the government of procrastinate to January 7 every reopening of face-to-face teaching for those who are still in distance learning today “. It is the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, who is the spokesperson for the requests that the governors officially made yesterday afternoon to ministers Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza, in view of the new Dpcm. Ministers took note. It is true that the president of Emilia Romagna Bonaccini was not present and made it known that he would like “to see at least part of the high schools reopened as soon as possible”. And that Eugenio Giani, newly elected in Tuscany, asked that at least the second and third averages return to class immediately ».

And the Maturity?

Even the commissioner Domenico Arcuri threw the ball ahead: there is time about the reopening “to discuss in the coming weeks,” he said, hinting that it is not a priority of this dpcm. Meanwhile, Minister Lucia Azzolina replied to the students who asked her what will happen with the high school and eighth grade exams: will they be halved as last year? For now, no decisions have been made and a lot will depend on what happens in January, if we really go back to school on the 7th.

November 26, 2020 (change November 26, 2020 | 20:33)


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