There is an approval for the new contract for school managers which provides for an increase of 240 euros of which 195 on the fixed salary. And it also introduces something new on interregional mobility, granting principals the possibility of moving, within the limit of 60% of the places available annually, to the Region in which the request is made, taking into account the regional places already put up for competition by the administration.
The proposed national collective labor agreement for the Education and Research Management Area relating to the three-year period 2019-2021 was signed on 13 March at the Aran by all representative trade union organizations and confederations. The renewal concerns approximately 6,500 personnel including managers of the School, University, Afam and Research.
Pay increases
As mentioned, the new contract may allow for average increases of 3.78%. The Ministry may also recognize further increases for school managers using specific and additional resources allocated by current legislation. The contract hypothesis provides for the following monthly increases: from 1 January 2019 of 84 euros; redetermined from 1 January 2020 to 130 euros; redetermined from 1 January 2021 to 135 euros. The new gross annual value for 13 months of the table salary is therefore redetermined from 45,260.73 euros to 47,015.73 euros. The value of the fixed position salary, with related charges borne by the Fun, is increased from 1 January 2021 by 60 euros gross per month for 13 months and, therefore, is redetermined at 13,345.11 euros.
School, salary of 1 euro. The tax adjustment sends principals, managers and teachers into the red
by Corrado Zunino
The figure of the mentor to support new hires
Another important innovation, “already foreseen in the other contracts for public management, is the introduction of the figure of the ‘mentor’, i.e. an expert manager or professional who is called upon, on a voluntary basis, to support newly hired staff during the first months of service – underlined President Aran, Antonio Naddeo -. I am particularly pleased to point out that this contract has the signature of all the trade union organisations, unlike what happened for the renewal of the sector contract, with the failure to sign on the part of Uil Rua. We are ready – concludes Naddeo – to open the new 2022-2024 contractual round next week, on March 20, starting from the Healthcare sector, which concerns over half a million workers in the National Health Service”.
Valditara: “Attention sign”
“With this contract – declared the minister Giuseppe Valditara – we want to give a further signal of attention towards school leaders, who with their daily commitment represent a fundamental pillar of the world of school. Their valorization passes through the improvement of working conditions and also the economic aspect, elements that we have taken into strong consideration within this agreement. My goal is to restore prestige and authority to all school workers because the future of our country depends on them.”
#School #managers #green #light #contract #increases #euros #month #principalmentor #arrives
– 2024-03-16 18:27:55