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School, high school in Tuscany on 11 January. Dietrofront of the government

Even in Tuscany, schools restart on 11 January

Florence, January 5, 2021 – Schools elementary and middle school will reopen regularly Thursday 7 January. The high schools instead will restart, at 50%, on Monday 11 January. These are the decisions taken by the Council of Ministers meeting during the night to discuss the new decree with the anti-Covid measures to be adopted after the Epiphany. Also there Tuscany therefore it will adapt to the latest government decisions. Yesterday the governor Eugenio Giani announced that everything was ready for the return to class on 7 January but during the night,fter not a few tensions, this was the mediation achieved.

“We will be a minority but we are convinced that the relationship with teachers and students is essential, therefore, also thanks to the fact that we can afford it with the data, in Tuscany on January 7 we start again with the upper secondary schools”, he said yesterday the governor Giani. In Tuscany, schools will restart “according to the indications of the ordinance of the Minister of Health Speranza, or 50%” of teaching in the presence, “if then the epidemiological data worsens we will return to the dad in an exclusive way”. But then came the government’s decision. The meeting point of January 11 for high schools was found in the Council of Ministers after the confrontation between the Democratic Party which was aiming for 15 and the 5 Star Movement and Italy alive who asked to leave again on January 7.

Meanwhile, in Tuscany, to ensure the safe travel of students, the Region relies on 2,700 buses already in operation, which will be reorganized to meet the various needs of the area, and to 329 additional buses. “In all we will have more than 3,000 vehicles – specified the councilor for mobility Stefano Baccelli -. We have also taken on a further burden: to watch over what happens outside the media ». Here there will be some bus and train stops steward teams, provided by the transport companies, who will assist the boys for avoid gatherings. On the health front, they have already been foreseen anti-Covid monitoring and screening projects, ‘Safe schools’ and ‘Safe territories’, with the aim of making more swabs to quickly find the virus before outbreaks break out.

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