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School, go-ahead for kindergarten rules in September

Green light in Unified Conference to document of orientation and orientation for the resumption of activities in the presence of educational services and kindergartens for the 0-6 age group. “This is another important element in view of the September recovery – comments Minister Lucia Azzolina – we are working every day, without stopping, to bring everyone back to school, from the youngest to the oldest. Already with the document of June 26, the Plan for the restart of September, we had given indications for the kindergarten, with the document approved today we are expanding to the little ones. The girls and boys are the ones who have suffered most from the closing period, we are paying special attention to all of them for the recovery, I also think of the extra staff that we will guarantee precisely to ensure that their return is peaceful and safe. “” We have worked hard, with all those involved whom I thank for the commitment, to ensure that this document arrived as soon as possible – added Deputy Minister Anna Ascani – we had promised to produce the guidelines by July 31, we could not afford to delay. We are aware of the importance of providing indications to the structures that offer educational services for children, to kindergartens, to the territories, but also to the various operators and families, to prepare a resumption of activities in presence and in safety, ensuring the quality of the children’s educational and training experience. Thanks also to the comparison with the Technical Scientific Committee, which has been close to us with great availability in defining the addresses, we have produced a document that will accompany the safe organization of the return in September for band 0-6. We will continue to work hard to guarantee the well-being of every child and at the same time the health of everyone “.

Stable groups

The document is the result of the work coordinated by the Ministry of Education with the other competent ministries, the Regions and the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and takes into account what emerged from the comparison with two listening tables with peer schools, managers, associations and unions: the text provides specific organizational indications for band 0-6 so that we can guarantee the safe recovery and performance of the educational services and nursery schools in attendance, ensuring both the usual delivery times and the access to the same number of children accepted according to normal capacities. Particular attention – reads a note from the ministry – is given to the well-being of girls and boys: there will be stable groups / sections organized in such a way as to be identifiable, with the identification of the educational, teaching and collaborating staff for each group, with the primary purpose of simplifying the adoption of containment measures resulting from any contagion cases and limiting their impact on the entire school community. The organization of the spaces includes structured areas, in compliance with the needs of the age group, also through a different arrangement of the furnishings, so that the daily experiences proposed can be realized, in compliance with the principle of non-intersection between different groups, using playful material- didactic, objects and toys assigned exclusively to specific groups / sections. In particular, the use of outdoor spaces and all available spaces that can be `reconverted ‘to permanently welcome relationship and play groups must be enhanced. To ensure the safe recovery and performance of educational services and kindergartens in the presence, where necessary, the signatories of the document, each according to their skills in the field of Integrated System 0-6, undertake to verify the possibility of identify additional professional figures, provide for any exceptions for replacements and assign additional organic resources within the limits of available resources.

So the school changes in September: from opening hours to the canteen, from bathing to recreation
Extra staff
Entry and exit

As regards state kindergartens, the ministry is already working towards an increase in the number of staff and specific staff training / information sessions are also planned. Furthermore, attention is paid to the moments dedicated to the reception which, compatibly with the spaces available, it is preferable to organize outside, possibly providing differentiated entry and exit points. Only one parent can accompany the children, in compliance with the general rules of prevention of contagion, including the use of the mask during the whole stay inside the structure. To facilitate the organizational measures suitable for limiting the infection, a register of the presence of any persons who access the facility can be kept. As for the access of children to educational facilities, the detection of body temperature at the entrance will not be necessary, but children and staff must not have respiratory symptoms or body temperature above 37.5 C, they must not have been in quarantine or isolation domiciled in the last 14 days or in contact with positive people, as far as they know, in the last 14 days. Personal hygiene, which is also a characterizing element of the educational path of children within education and training services, will have to be integrated into routines that normally mark children’s day for the acquisition of correct and respectful styles of behavior, compatibly with age and with their degree of autonomy and awareness. It remains confirmed that there is no obligation to wear a mask for children under the age of 6, while all staff are required to use personal protective equipment correctly. So not only a mask but also visors, when changing diapers and other necessary moments of approach.

July 31, 2020 (change July 31, 2020 | 20:48)


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