In 2022, 465,000 young people in Italy dropped out of school prematurely, equal to 11.5% of the population in the 18-24 age group. In the same year, however, the so-called ‘brain drain’ who left the country to move abroad numbered 55,500.
The former, therefore, are 8 times higher in number than the latter. The CGIA of Mestre denounces this, underlining that they are two extremely delicate problems which, however, continue to have very different levels of attention from public opinion.
If school dropout is not yet perceived as an educational plague with a frightening social cost, the ‘escape’ abroad of many young people, however, is, although the number of the first critical issue is much higher than that of the second.
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by Emanuela Giampaoli

Occupancy alarm
The Craftsmen of Mestre observe that for many SMEs it will be difficult to find trained staff. If we also add to these specific features that characterize our youth world the ongoing demographic crisis and the ‘digital revolution’ now upon us, all this will have very serious consequences for businesses too. With fewer and fewer young people and for a significant part of them with an insufficient level of education, for many SMEs finding trained personnel to include in the production processes will be an impossible mission.
Compared to the main countries of the European Union, Italy presents two major problems in the field of education and school training. The first is a low number of diplomas and graduates, especially in scientific subjects. If we are not able to close the gap with our competitors in a reasonably short time, we run the risk of a general impoverishment of the country system.
The case
Florence, repair and customize bicycles against school dropouts
of Antonio Lenoci

Educational poverty, economic poverty
Furthermore, a high level of educational poverty which, according to experts, goes hand in hand with economic poverty. The causes that determine the ‘escape’ from school are mainly cultural, social and economic: children who come from socially disadvantaged environments and from families with a low level of education are more likely to abandon school before completing the course of studies which leads them to obtain at least a high school diploma.
The North-South divide
At a territorial level, the southern regions have the highest levels of school dropouts. From the comparison between school dropout and ‘brain drain’, Campania presents the highest gap (the former is numerically 16 larger than the latter). Puglia and Sicily follow with 14, and Tuscany and Sardinia with 8.
Although school dropouts are decreasing across Europe, among the 20 Eurozone countries in 2022, Italy was in third place among young people aged between 18 and 24 (11.5% of the corresponding population). Only Spain (13.9%) and Germany (12.2) had a worse result than Italy. The Euro Area average was 9.7%.
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– 2024-04-24 12:29:38