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School decree, the government asks for trust. Azzolina: ‘Reopening of schools in September for the Government’ – Politics

The government places confidence in the Senate on the School Law Decree. The Minister for Relations with Parliament Federico D’Incà announces it to the Assembly of Palazzo Madama.

But before the Education Minister Lucia Azzolina speaking to the Senate had said: “We will guarantee maximum safety and didactic continuity. We are working with the Ministry of Health, the document is at the final filings and will be adopted in the next few hours and also the document of the Ministry of Education task force will be presented shortly. ” “The reopening of schools in September is a need and a goal shared by the whole government. Specific operational indications will be provided to schools.

Special extraordinary funds amounting to a total of 150 million euros have been set aside for the equivalent schools. “This demonstrates the Government’s desire to protect all our students, respecting the freedom of educational choice of families”. Education Minister Lucia Azzolina says it by answering the Senate in question time.

39 million for protection and cleaning devices – “Student safety is a fundamental and unavoidable priority. We are working with regional school offices and trade unions, we have signed protocols and activated a help desk to collect questions and provide assistance and even administrative support”. So the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, responding in question time to the Senate to Senator De Lucia on the conduct of the security exams. The implementation of the safety maturity will be guaranteed with resources of € 39 million this year, for the purchase of personal protective equipment and for cleaning the premises, the minister clarified.

4 competitions for 80 thousand places – “The ministry has launched 4 insolvency procedures for over 61 thousand places. The staff of the parity schools will be able to participate in the extraordinary procedure with the possibility of being able to take part in the ordinary competition as well. The available places have been increased by 16 thousand units, therefore the procedures are for the total recruitment of 80 thousand teachers. With an amendment approved by the Education Commission we have changed the way the extraordinary competition is carried out, eliminating the cross-word quizzes and replacing them with open-ended questions. So the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, responding in question time to the Senate posed by Senator Moles. The minister then recalled that initiatives were launched for the psychological support of students online, also with a team of psychologists of developmental age to guarantee the service of the counter at a distance Azzolina recalled that the Ministry banned four on 28 April insolvency procedures for the coverage of 61,863 places, common and support, throughout the national territory, of which 12,863 in kindergartens and primary schools, 25,000 places in secondary school with the ordinary competition and 24,000 places of secondary school teachers to be covered with specific extraordinary procedure, reserved precisely to precarious teachers with at least three years of service in state educational institutions. Furthermore, the relaunch decree increased the places already scheduled by the competitions by 16,000. Hence the total number of hires for nearly 80,000 teachers.

Mayors Commissioners and Presidents of the Province – “With regard to school buildings, the relaunch decree provided for administrative simplification measures to allow local authorities that own the buildings to operate quickly. In the conversion phase of the law decree 22/2020, an important amendment was approved in the Senate: mayors and provincial presidents will have commission powers to put what is necessary quickly and complete school construction works “.

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