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School closures also in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – panorama

From Monday on, schools and daycare centers in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will also remain closed. This was announced by Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) on Saturday during a special session of her cabinet in Schwerin. The state government in Schwerin follows the decisions of almost all other federal states. However, some countries have only suspended compulsory schooling for the time being, so school attendance is still possible.

Merkel announces crisis management committee

Chancellor Angela Merkel calls on the Germans to show particular solidarity in the virus crisis. Social contacts should be closed as far as possible, the CDU politician says in a video podcast. “We are helping people in a very concrete way and can show solidarity in society.” It also announces the formation of a cabinet committee to deal with the crisis. In addition to Merkel, Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) belong to the committee.

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Spahn urges self-isolation from returning travelers

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn is calling on returning travelers from Italy, Switzerland and Austria for two weeks of self-isolation. “If you have been in Italy, Switzerland or Austria within the past 14 days: Avoid unnecessary contacts and stay at home for two weeks – regardless of whether you have symptoms or not,” explains Spahn on Twitter.

The Bundeswehr should be more closely involved

The CSU chairman Markus Söder calls the Bundeswehr to do more to fight the corona epidemic. “We should consider involving the Bundeswehr more closely. It has to help with nursing staff, doctors, laboratory facilities and capacities in its hospitals,” said the Prime Minister of Bavaria to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “This is essential in the face of this crisis.” The Bundeswehr is already helping circles and municipalities. For example, the North Rhine-Westphalian district of Heinsberg, which has been particularly affected by the spread of the coronavirus, has requested the army.

“The Bundeswehr is currently supporting civilian health authorities in the fight against the coronavirus as part of administrative assistance,” said a spokesman for the Bundeswehr Rheinische Post. “At the moment, the main focus is on providing laboratory capacity, medical protective equipment such as masks and coats, and support with medical professionals.”

The Bundeswehr is currently looking for reserve personnel from the medical service. They are to reinforce the staff in the five Bundeswehr hospitals in Koblenz, Hamburg, Berlin, Ulm and Westerstede, according to an exclamation published in the magazine “Die Reserve”.

Scholz sees no acute danger for banks

Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz sees the German banks not in acute danger because of the Corona crisis. “The banks are clearly more stable than ten years ago“said the SPD politician in an interview with the Augsburg General. “Overall, we have enough tools to help the financial sector weather this situation.” Scholz met with top industry representatives on Friday. According to the Ministry of Finance, it was an exchange of information. There were no decisions.

Government intervention in the economy is possible

Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier closes the temporary one in the coronavirus crisis State participation in strategically important companies not from. The CDU politician said that he had already mentioned this option in his industrial strategy, for example when it came to companies from highly sensitive areas newsmagazine The mirror. “Even in a crisis like that caused by the corona virus, similar questions can arise with regard to technological and economic sovereignty.” Altmaier also wants to help the pharmaceutical industry, which currently sources many medicines from Asia. “It is the right idea to minimize one-sided dependencies and to regain national sovereignty in sensitive areas,” said the minister. “I can do well joint European project for drug production imagine.”

CSU chief Markus Söder advocated lowering taxes quickly. “Tax cuts have the advantage that they take effect immediately,” he said. “Halving the electricity tax would be the right step.”

Doctors want to issue sick leave without visiting the patient’s practice

The German Association of General Practitioners calls for new relaxation of the sick leave rules. It is a great relief that patients can be on sick leave for up to seven days because of the pandemic without having to go to the practice for this, says Association head Ulrich Weigeldt the Rheinische Post. “It would be even better to have this opportunity to extend to 14 days“Then patients could stay at home until they were no longer a risk of infection.

Nursing TÜV is suspended

The regular quality checks in the nursing homes for the so-called Nursing TÜV are suspended to relieve the staff in the homes. “People in need of care need comprehensive care and care in a very special way, so we also have to go unusual ways,” said Gernot Kiefer, vice-head of the health insurance association responsible for nursing, the editorial network Germany. The The suspension initially applies until the end of May.

The medical service of the health insurance companies (MDK) normally checks on-site how the residents are cared for. Comprehensive test reports are created from this information and data, which the nursing homes provide themselves. However, the controls bind nurses, which is now prevented by the suspension.

Seven dead in Germany

In the district of Heinsberg (NRW) and in Baden-Württemberg other patients infected with the coronavirus died. This is the fourth known death in North Rhine-Westphalia. A 78-year-old had succumbed to the consequences of the virus on Thursday afternoon, said the district of Heinsberg. A man from Göppingen, who was born in 1935, died in Baden-Württemberg. According to the Ministry of Health, he had only been tested positive for the virus on Thursday. Baden-Württemberg now reports a total of three deaths.

Further cuts in public life

In Baden-Wuerttemberg public events with more than 100 participants are prohibited in closed rooms. Prime Minister Wilfried Kretschmann announced this in Stuttgart on Friday.

Also Schleswig-Holstein’s state government wants to reduce public life even further. The cabinet decided on Friday to ban all public events from Saturday. This applies to clubs, discotheques, fitness studios, swimming pools, cinemas, theaters, museums and adult education centers. Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) spoke of drastic measures. “Solidarity is the order of the day.” Social cohesion is necessary. He cited neighborhood help as an example.

The state government is also planning to restrict access to libraries and bars and restaurants. For example, the maximum number of guests could be prescribed, said Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP). But talks were still going on. The aim is to achieve “distance-keeping meetings”.

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