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School canteen staff sick: BRK cooks for children

Oberstaufen (dpa / lby) – Because almost the entire kitchen staff at a school center in Swabia is ill, volunteers from the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) quickly took over the food supply for the students this week. The school canteen of the primary and middle school in Oberstaufen in the Oberallgäu district would otherwise have faced a total failure, the BRK announced on Thursday.

The local mayor had therefore asked the BRK-Willing Oberstaufen for help earlier in the week. Almost the entire staff of the cafeteria is therefore on sick leave at the same time or in quarantine because of a positive corona test.

After every volunteer at the BRK had to complete a basic course in support services in addition to a basic medical course, it was said that it was possible to take over the food service without any problems. Otherwise, according to the BRK, the result would have been that the children would not have received any meals. For some of them, the canteen food is “unfortunately the only reasonable meal they get every day,” it said.

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