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Schönwalde fire brigade: suspension of comrades lifted | Bernau LIVE – your city

Bernau / Wandlitz / Schönwalde: On November 15 last year, after the funeral of a comrade, at least 10 members of the Schönwalde volunteer fire brigade met in the guard and sat together.

At the beginning of January 3 comrades from the military command of the guard belonging to Wandlitz were temporarily suspended from duty. The Wandlitz community cited the violation of a previously issued service instruction as the reason. This said that all private and company meetings in the tool sheds are generally prohibited due to the corona.

The ordered suspension of the comrades not only caused incomprehension among those affected, but also aroused emotions on social networks. Especially with the background that the occasion of the meeting at that time was the funeral of a comrade, there was every displeasure against the community of Wandlitz and against the Wandlitz military leader Anke Müller.


Many people could not understand that this is how judging is being done here, especially since the comrades were long-serving and valued members of the Wandlitz volunteer fire brigade. Incidentally, the “non-corona-conforme” gathering after the funeral was reported anonymously by someone.

After a few weeks full of discussions, an official conversation took place yesterday, Thursday, with all those affected and the Wandlitz community. In this, the temporary suspension was lifted.

The community Wandlitz published the following announcement on this Friday:

“In order to clarify the matter, on Thursday, February 4, 2021, a conversation took place in the Schönwalder community center with the local defense leadership concerned, another comrade and the lawyer commissioned by them, Mayor Oliver Borchert, the Wandlitz military leader Anke Müller, one of the administration consulted lawyer and Gabriele Bohnebuck, mayor in Schönwalde.

“As the responsible body for fire protection, the municipality is responsible for ensuring the operational readiness of our local fire brigades and their efficiency even in the current Corona crisis,” said Mayor Oliver Borchert. In order to ensure exactly this, a service instruction for all local brigades was put into effect months ago, stating that the tool sheds may only be used in the context of operations and to restore operational readiness. All other private or business meetings in the tool sheds are currently prohibited. “And of course, in order to protect the comrades from a corona infection and to maintain their readiness for action. I very much regret that the camaraderie is currently suffering as a result. But in the current situation, everyone in our administration, in the subordinate facilities and also in the fire brigade is obliged to do their part to ensure that the corona virus does not spread and that we are all for the citizens of the The municipality will remain fully capable of acting, ”said Oliver Borchert. As the mayor of Wandlitzer, head of administration and thus responsible for fire protection, he had to guarantee nothing more and nothing less, and the applicable service instructions would provide the binding framework for everyone.

The conversation with the Schönwalder comrades should serve to clarify the facts of the unauthorized meeting in the tool shed. As a follow-up, a decision will now be made over the course of the next week on the possible disciplinary consequences for those affected. “We have agreed with the comrades and their lawyer to understand yesterday’s conversation as a hearing and thus to enter the formal disciplinary procedure. Our task now is to check and justify the necessity and proportionality of possible disciplinary measures. In doing so, we have a certain margin of discretion, which of course also includes the longstanding good performance of our comrades, ”the mayor of Wandlitz explains the next steps. According to Section 7 of the Voluntary Fire Brigade’s Ordinance on Activities, various disciplinary measures are available, from warning to exclusion from the volunteer fire brigade. Two things are important to the mayor: “With our reaction we have to ensure that in future service instructions are taken seriously and followed by everyone. But we also want to ensure that calm returns to an overheated situation and that our local police can do their usual valuable and important service for the general public. “

Until the decision on the announced disciplinary measures has been taken, the provisional suspension of the two Schönwalder comrades and the comrade issued on January 6th has been lifted. The administration announced that it would be given written information about this for the weekend. This enables the comrades concerned to do their duty again. “

Sources used: Municipality of Wandlitz, Bernau LIVE

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