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Schneider Electric “decommissioning” electrical transformation phase

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The use of digital technology combined with electricity will be more widespread and massive. One proof is the development of electric vehicles as an alternative to using environmentally friendly fuels.

Corporate Vice President Power System Schneider Electric Indonesia and Timor Leste Surya Fitri said that the future transformation of the electricity sector, especially the distribution grid system, must cover several areas.

First, complete visibility of all network resources. According to him, the growth in the number of Distributed energy resources (DER) from renewable sources and the growing penetration of electric vehicles further increases the complexity in managing the electricity distribution network.


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“This is caused by production electricity depends on natural conditions, so it cannot be predicted. Likewise, when, where and the number of electric vehicles will charge. This condition causes high uncertainty and variability in the operation of the electricity distribution network, “he said in a written statement on Monday (9/12/2022).

On the other hand, operators also have to manage their old network system. To overcome this complexity, operators need greater visibility and control in order to optimize the resources connected to the network. The goal is to increase reliability in providing equal access to electricity and in accordance with the needs of each region.

As for Surya, the use of the platform Advanced distribution management system (ADMS) offers operators complete visibility to monitor, manage and optimize all the resources of the distribution network, both traditional and DER.

“ADMS has a function to manage voltage fluctuations and power ebb, automate blackout recovery and optimize distribution network performance. Ultimately, it will increase customer satisfaction with the company’s services,” he said.

The next area is remote control and analytical skills real time. This is necessary because the distribution substation as a distributor of electricity from the generator to the end user must be constantly monitored.

“If the electricity distribution suffers disturbances such as blackouts and the restoration of long blackouts, it can lead to complaints from consumers,” Surya said.

Therefore, with the use of digital technology such as Smart RMU (Ring main unit), operators can remotely control all distribution substations in real time and improve the safety and reliability of electricity distribution. It also detects errors in advance and then automatically reconfigures the network and optimizes network performance with analytics capabilities.

In this case, Schneider Electric provides the latest innovation Fully gas-insulated Smart RMU KubikelTM and more respectful of the environment because it does not use SF6 gas which produces greenhouse gas emissions.

“This solution was also equipped with sensors thermal wireless and smartphone apps replace infrared thermal scanand it can provide advance warning of a condition that could trigger connection problems, potential fires or sparks due to short circuit current disturbances, “he explained.

Then, with regards to data security. The International Data Corporation expects the volume of data to grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes in 2025, representing a 530% increase in seven years.

While in the energy sector, Mordor Intelligence estimates that the energy sector big data analytics market will grow at a CAGR of over 11% from 2021 to 2026. This is because energy companies are working to improve energy efficiency. .

Therefore, cybersecurity risks are a growing concern in the electricity sector. Electricity companies must perform multiple levels of safety, starting with the choice and use of devices that have high safety standards and are IEC certified.

“As an industry that contributes 85% to carbon emissions, the energy sector, including electricity, requires a comprehensive transformation planning strategy and the support of qualified and standardized digital partners,” said Surya.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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