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Schmidt “Barcelona” concedes Real Madrid in the first game of the ACB final

Roland Schmidt “Barcelona” lost to Real Madrid on Monday in the first game of the Spanish Premier League (ACB) 75:88, taking the lead 1-0 in a series of up to three wins.

Schmidt was part of the Barcelona line-up, spending 16 minutes and 26 seconds on the pitch, during which both long-range shots and the only two-point shot were taken. The Latvian also won two rebounds, made one assertion, made one mistake, broke the rule four times, scored the best +/- score in the team (+6) and scored six efficiency points.

Barcelona leader Nikola Mirotich scored 13 points, won six rebounds and intercepted three, with Nicolas Laprovitola scoring 15 points. Gabriels Deks scored 18 points for the Madrid players and won five balls under the baskets.

In the first half, Real striker Anthony Rendolf suffered a severe leg injury in one of the episodes.

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