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Schlein “What happens in Lampedusa demonstrates government failure” – Il Tempo

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “What happens in Lampedusa, the drama of these days and years, is the demonstration of the failure of this government’s outsourcing policies and certifies the failure of the government’s policies on immigration”. Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, speaking on Otto e mezzo, a daily in-depth program hosted by Lilli Gruber on La7. “We reached a number of arrivals of around seven thousand people in Lampedusa despite a decree that I personally refuse to call the ‘Cutrò decree out of respect for that tragedy but I call the ‘Melonì decree, which only complicates the work of the NGOs. There was a 60% increase in arrivals despite the attempt to make a cynical agreement with a country that is not guaranteeing democratic rights,” she added.
“What we have seen is the failure of Giorgia Meloni’s mediation with her Polish and Hungarian nationalist allies. Not only does he not protest about the lack of solidarity regarding reception but he even says that they are right. We, as we have always done, will continue to fight for a fair sharing of reception responsibilities among all European countries, to open safe and legal ways of access to ensure that Lampedusa and Italy are not left alone. We will continue to fight for a European ‘Mare nostrum’, for a search and rescue mission. The only thing this government has done, in a competition to see who is meaner between Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini, is a decree that does the opposite of what would be needed: they made a decree that makes it more difficult to save lives in sea,” he concluded.

photo: Fotogramma Agency


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