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Schizophrenia scammer – PublicoGT

Fernando Cajas
Since that sad night of June 25, 2023, the depressed Pact of Corrupts made monkeys and parrots, cried, screamed and promised that Arévalo would not take possession. Then, between tequilas and songs, with some lines of cocaine, the presidential love pair swore that they would not allow Semilla to take office. The next rubber day, lost, incoherent, they put together a half-plan for a coup d’état which has served as a roadmap. Having plagiarized, copied or invented their university degrees, the coup plotters have little academic capacity. These Corrupt Covenant servants are a real version of the Crazy Troop, inept.

They began by giving advice to Sandra Torres for the second round, knowing that the lady would not win: “Look Sandrita, I said that the man is Uruguayan.” That song and her proposal from the gringo INTECAP was her greatest contribution to the debates. Sandra Torres was literally the laughing stock of a generation of unforgettable memes. Then they started with something more serious. Suddenly they “received” a complaint from a citizen, Fratti, who said that they had told him that they had heard in some media that he did not remember that Semilla committed fraud. Even more,
that he knew because they had told a friend who told him about an open file to suspend Semilla. That brilliant witness generated the entire case of false signatures, a case more false than Giammatei’s face. After that not. What happened is that they really miscounted the votes and they came with all the cavalry and raided the electoral court and decided to recount the votes with all the parties. Semilla won another 500 votes that had not been counted. They found no fraud.

All these actions are part of a coup d’état, at first in slow motion, but a coup d’état nonetheless. Will they consolidate it, will they? Well, we don’t know yet. Every so often they come up with a new legal case. His latest invention is that of the National University, USAC. Now they say that university professors and students got together to found a terrorist organization with the aim of inducing students to sedition. This case has the brilliant variant that since they found the central campus set up, dirty, with garbage cans full after the takeover of the
facilities by San Carlista students, decided to charge the illegally imprisoned university students with three crimes, which not even they understand: Continuous depredation of cultural heritage, continuous sedition, illicit association and aggravated usurpation.

Good God! The worst thing is that they take the farce of this accusation to the extreme of schizophrenia and accuse Bernardo Arévalo and Karin Herrera, elected president and vice president, of directing this “criminal structure.” Man, the corrupt people didn’t take their dose of Prozac. These sets of coup events have to converge soon. The Corrutos Pact has weeks left to deliver its soft blow, otherwise they will give a simple barrage. It is difficult to predict the
action of a group of psychotics, but, just as things have turned out badly for them, they will have to resort to the army and their new boss partner, the drug traffickers. This scenario, which can be perceived as a fatalistic scenario, must be associated with the indifference of the Guatemalan intellectual class, especially to the USAC faculty. The teachers who now have their own colleagues imprisoned do not say a word, nothing at all.

It seems that for Guatemalan intellectuals, coup attempts did not exist. Yes there have been leaders, if there has been direction and if there has been resistance against this Guatemalan electoral fraud, but that comes from the 48 Cantons. From the Guatemalan academy nothing comes but silence, sepulchral silence. In a country where only 2% of the population has higher education. This country full of privileges and inequalities has few teachers
university students, but there will be about 10,000 university professors who keep the silence of the dead. As the saying goes, “sometimes silence is worse than lies.” Regarding these indifferent people, who swore to defend university autonomy and who have a greater responsibility for having received a university education and having academic places, we owe this group the moral collapse of the country. On the contrary, we owe hope to the 48 Cantons and the peoples in resistance.

We are at a critical point in the slow-motion coup process. I cannot say if we are really witnessing the chronicle of the announced death of the corrupt pact or if we will accept the coup d’état. That will depend on what we do now, on the union we establish, on the renewal of the struggle, whether urban or rural, on the recognition that if we want democracy we must work for democracy, on breaking this silence so
profound of the academics, silence that hurts. It is still time to join the defense of our future and that of the new generations. Either it is now or it will never be Guatemala.

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