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Scary fire in a factory: huge damage. “Keep the windows closed”

Florence, 11 August 2020 – Un vast fire broke out last night at Silo Spa, a zootechnical food factory on the outskirts of Florence, in via San Bartolo a Cintoia. Firefighters intervened on the spot and circumscribed the area affected by the fire. The fire was brought under control within hours. The fire in particular affected the warehouse of finished products, containing derivatives of fatty substances. The characteristics of the burned materials resulted in the formation of dense and irritating fumes, “but – the Local Health Authority said – without elements of particular acute toxicity that could cause concern, if not persistent bad smell”. No structures containing asbestos are affected. “A part of the fire extinguishing water – explains the ASL note – with residues from the combustion of the company’s products, has affected the ditch of the gardeners that flows into the Greve”.

The Civil Protection of the Metropolitan City has created a barrier with special barriers to intercept the contaminated water and will subsequently provide a vacuum cleaner to suck it up. Publiacqua spa was alerted which communicated that this fact does not create criticalities for the supply and distribution of drinking water, even in relation to the Mantignano drinking water treatment plant.

On the basis of initial information, the fire, the causes of which are under investigation, would have affected the part of the company’s premises used for production. Extensive damage to the structure. No one was injured. The state police are also on site.

The fire was brought under control within hours. The fire in particular affected the warehouse of finished products, containing derivatives of fatty substances. The characteristics of the burned materials led to the formation of dense and irritating fumes, but presumably without elements of particular acute toxicity that could cause concern, if not persistent bad odor. No structures containing asbestos are affected. A part of the fire extinguishing water, with residues from the combustion of the company’s products, affected the ditch of the gardeners that flows into the Greve. The Civil Protection of the Metropolitan City has created a barrier with special barriers to intercept the contaminated water and will subsequently provide a vacuum cleaner to suck it up. Publiacqua spa was alerted which communicated that this fact does not create criticalities for the supply and distribution of drinking water, even in relation to the Mantignano drinking water plant. In the next few hours, possible repercussions and outcomes of the fire will be evaluated, in particular in areas of immediate proximity to the plant. In any case, it is advisable to limit the stay outside near the plant, for neighboring houses to keep the windows closed, until the bad smell is reduced, and to avoid the consumption of fruit and vegetables collected in the surrounding areas, until evaluation by of the health authority.

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